Tourism Destinatons
Wonorejo Reservoir in Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province
When tourists explore Tulungagung Regency, they may find a majestic and beautiful water reservoir called Wonorejo. As the name suggests, the location is in Wonorejo Village and it belongs to Pagerwojo Sub-District. For the information, it is considered the biggest reservoir in South East Asia! The location is in the west of the downtown and the prime functions are as a power plant, irrigation, recreational area, sports arena, and fishery. Thanks to the local government. They provide better facilities to the site for the sake of visitors or tourists. No wonder, the popularity increases over time!
The Nuance
In terms of nuance, Wonorejo Reservoir is considered peaceful and comforting. During weekends and holidays, though, it becomes merrier due to the presence of lots of visitors who come from either nearby villages or other regions. What about the size? The total width of the water surface is around 3.85 million per square! It is said the reservoir is able to store up to 6.06 billion meters cubic. As for the facilities, tourists would find a playground, inns, speedboats, fishing arena, parking lot, and much more! Not to mention the environment looks wonderful with its lush and shady trees as well as local farms.
Exploring Wonorejo Reservoir
Due to the excellent popularity, Wonorejo Reservoir has become a significant tourist site in Tulungagung Regency. So, what can tourists do in that area? The most common activity is an exploration while sightseeing. People would walk around the area and enjoy the panorama. The water surface looks soothing and peaceful. Also, the reservoir is surrounded by local farms and green shady trees. Somehow, the atmosphere is good enough to get rid of the stresses and enjoy relaxation.
During the visit, tourists can also learn the function of the reservoir. As mentioned before, the prime function is to generate electricity. In fact, it is able to accommodate several sub-districts at once! No wonder, Wonorejo Reservoir becomes one of the best assets. Another important role is to irrigate local farms in several regions. While exploring the site, tourists may see lots of villagers who cultivate fishes, as well. In fact, the water reservoir becomes the home of lots of species of fishes!
What is more? People who come to Wonorejo Reservoir also enjoy casual sports like jogging. They usually do the activity either in the morning or afternoon. The peaceful nuance makes it more comfortable, after all. The presence of a speedboat service becomes another important allure in that area. That means tourists are able to explore the water reservoir comfortably by it. One thing, it costs some money!
Nearby Attractions
- Tulungagung Square
- Ranu Gumbolo
- Wonorejo Dam
- Khayangan Flying Fox
How to Get There
From Surabaya City, it takes around 2 hours and 58 minutes in order to get to Tulungagung Regency. Have no worries. This trip would be faster if tourists take Mojokerto – Kertosono Highway. The distance is 158 km, so this trip would take around 2 hours and 58 minutes. After arriving at the destination, tourists should take Nasional III Street and head to Wonorejo Village right away (where the water reservoir resides). This trip is likely to take around 47 minutes, as the distance is 24.1 km.
Where to Stay
- Swaloh Hill Resort
- Wonorejo Hotel

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