Tourism Destinatons
Penataran Temple in Blitar City, East Java Province

Some tourists don’t know that Blitar City also has a religious vacation spot like temples. The fact is the region has the famous Penataran Temple! As the name suggests, it is located in Penataran Village and belongs to Nglegok Sub-District. This Hindu Temple has been there since the presence of Kediri Kingdom, after all. It even lasted until the reign of Majapahit Kingdom! These days, the local government includes it as one of their recommended tourist sites, as well. Visitors usually conduct photography and learn history about it. As an alternative, the site is comfy enough for relaxation during weekends!
The Nuance
The site is actually a complex of temples. That means tourists may find more than one temple there. Not to mention the size and shape are different from each other. For the information, this complex is considered the widest in East Java Province. As for the nuance, it feels like an ancient settlement of the old kingdom. The fact is the temple complex resides in a rural area and it is surrounded by both villagers’ houses and trees. Both the environment and air are excellent too! The site resides on 450 meters above the sea level, actually.
Exploring Penataran Temple
The location is near to Penataran Village, so tourists can find it easily even without the help of a local guide. As for tourist activities, visitors indeed want to take photos of those Hindu temples. The good thing is they can collect more than one temple. This complex features several temples, after all. Thus, it is recommended to explore the site thoroughly. As long as tourists don’t ruin the environment, they are allowed to get around the complex.
The next reason for visiting Penataran Temple is to learn the history. In this case, a local guide’s help would be useful. It is said the founder was Horsfield and he founded it in 1815. He said that the ruins of temples indicated the continuous construction of the temples. Approximately, the construction began in the 12th century and ended in the 15th century. No wonder, two ancient kingdoms (Kediri and Majapahit Kingdom) ever conquered the complex in the different era back then.
Those who visit Penataran Temple should know the function of it, as well. It is said the prime function is to accommodate Hindu worshippers. People also used the temple as an adoration site for Rsi Saiwa and Sugata. For the information, the original name is Palah Temple! It was used as a worshipping place, especially to prevent natural disasters like the explosion of Kelud Volcano. These days, though, it has become an interesting vacation spot in Blitar City. So, don’t forget to drop by!
Nearby Attractions
- Penataran Swimming Pool
- Tirto Mulyo Tourist Site
- Penataran Amphitheater
How to Get There
For the information, the distance between Surabaya City (the capital of East Java Province) and Blitar City is 155 km. That means it would take around 3 hours and 30 minutes in order to reach the destination. This trip can be done faster by taking Surabaya – Mojokerto Highway, though. Later, once arrive at Blitar, tourists should take Raya Penataran Street and head to the temple right away. The distance is 13.3 km, so the trip may take around 22 minutes.
Where to Stay
- Ilhami Hotel
- Maya Hotel

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