Tourism Destinatons
Negeri Dongeng in Blitar City, East Java Province
It is true that Blitar City is not quite famous when it comes to tourism. That doesn’t mean the region is not worth to visit. It is because several attractive vacation spots are available for tourists to explore. One of them is called Negeri Dongeng and the location is in Kawedusan Village at Ponggok Sub-District. In terms of name, it means a fairyland. In a nutshell, the site offers the world's famous landmarks including the seven wonders. Thus, visitors are able to learn the name of those objects and conduct several activities like photography and family recreation.
The Nuance
In terms of popularity, Negeri Dongeng is considered excellent. This explains the number of visitors is high especially during weekends. Most of them are the locals, while some of the visitors are outsiders or those who come from outside the region. As mentioned before, the prime allures are the miniatures of the world 7 wonders. These include the Liberty Statue, Borobudur Temple, etc. Not to mention some famous landmark miniatures reside including Pisa Tower, Eiffel Tower, Dutch Windmill, and much more! Thus, visitors can take selfies in front of those beautiful objects!
Exploring Negeri Dongeng
The most common reason for visiting Negeri Dongeng is indeed an educational recreation. That means parents are able to introduce their kids to the names and shapes of the world’s famous landmarks during the visit. They don’t have to visit the exact countries where those buildings reside, do they? As for the entrance fee, it is considered affordable. After paying the fee, tourists can use all available facilities and accommodations there. As for the foods, they can simply carry snacks and bottled water when visiting the location.
Aside from those miniatures, other allures await tourists. For instance, there is a fish therapy pool. Those small fishes would clean up everyone’s feet dead skin cells! As an alternative, tourists must get in the available swimming pool and play water in it. For those who don’t want to get wet, they should reach the star fruit plantation instead. That means the site becomes a nice place to enjoy agro-tourism, too!
The next interesting thing that tourists should do in Negeri Dongeng is to ride a Sepeda Gantung or flying bike. It takes courage, though. Have no worries. The safety is excellent, so everyone can enjoy it without worries. Plus, the site offers a playground to visitors. What is more? Tourists can even find a small canteen to buy snacks and drinks.
Nearby Attractions
- Argo Pegat
- Mleri Temple
How to Get There
The prime destination is indeed Blitar City. Those who come from Surabaya City or the capital of East Java Province, in this case, should take Surabaya – Mojokerto Highway. For the information, the distance is 155 km. That means the trip would take approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes. Once tourists arrive at Blitar, their next destination is Kawedusan Village. This trip takes around 19 minutes, as the distance is 11.1 km. As for the best route, it should be Anjasmoro Street.
Where to Stay
- Ilhami Hotel
- Patria Garden Hotel

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