Tourism Destinatons
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Seni & Tradisi
Agro Wisata Kaliklatak

Bagi mereka yang ingin mengunjungi wisata perkebunan di Banyuwangi, terdapat beberapa pilihan tujuan dan salah satunya adalah wisata agro Kaliklatak. Kaliklatak merupakan perintis wisata agro di Banyuwangi dan bahkan di Indonesia.
Kaliklatak terletak di lereng Gunung Merapi, 15 km sebelah barat kota Banyuwangi. Agro wisata perkebunan ini memiliki luas sekitar 1013ha, terletak di ketinggian 450 M dari permukaan laut dan dikelola oleh perusahaan swasta. Komoditas utama dari kawasan Kaliklatak antara lain berupa kopi, coklat, karet, cengkeh, dan rempah-rempah. Di bagian yang tertinggi, yaitu Hargosonyo, pengunjung bisa menikmati pemandangan kota Banyuwangi, Selat Bali, Semenanjung Blambangan dan pulau Bali dengan sangat indah.
Pada awalnya, perkebunan ini dimiliki oleh perusahaan Belanda Mij Moorman & Co, tapi setelah tahun 1957 kebun ini berpindah tangan ke R.Soehoed Prawiroatmodjo, seorang pengusaha pribumi dan khusus bergerak di bidang tanaman kopi, karet dan kakao. Setelah itu, Kaliklatak berkembang di bidang tanaman lada, cengkeh, pala, vanili, kayu manis, keninger, kayu putih, kelapa dan buah-buahan seperti pisang, jeruk dan kelengkeng.

Gajah Oling Batik Motif Officially Becomes Banyuwangi’s Intellectual Property
The Gajah Oling batik motif typical of Banyuwangi has officially received a communal intellectual property inventory (KIK) registration letter from the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham). The Gajah Oling motif is recorded as an original Traditional Cultural Expression (EBT) of Banyuwangi. Gajah Oling is one of dozens of batik motifs in Banyuwangi. This motif is arguably the most popular compared to other motifs. Gajah Oling is a combination of the image of an elephant and an uling or a type of eel. There are several opinions in…
Indonesia By Road: 3 Routes You Should Explore
Can you envision yourself driving through a country with mesmerizing beauty, countless islands, endless beaches, and delicious cuisine? A place where you can see the Komodo dragon. What if in the same country you could get a close view of Rafflesia Arnoldi, the world’s largest flower while road tripping? Sounds too good to be real, but Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago, according to World Vision International, is a popular destination in the world. It promises both beauty and adventure and traveling by car gives you the freedom to grasp the country’s charm…
Choice of Nature Tourism in Banyuwangi, Suitable for Family Travelers
Banyuwangi has variety of tourist options. One of them is nature tourism. This is the attraction of Banyuwangi that must be visited. Banyuwangi is rich in natural destinations, including beaches and forests. The natural destinations include Baluran National Park, Meru Betiri National Park, Alas Purwo National Park, Ijen Crater, and Marina Boom Beach. Although Baluran National Park is in Situbondo, most tourists think it is in Banyuwangi. Family tourists usually visit the beaches in Banyuwangi. One of the most visited beaches is Boom Beach, also known as Marina Boom. Marina…
Indonesia Destinations For the Sport Tourism Program
To realize the sport tourism program, Indonesia needs to choose the most potential tourist destinations, from thousands of other tours. Indonesia itself has many tourist destinations that have the potential to become a place for sport tourism. Here are some of them. Toba LakeLake Toba seems to never run out to amaze tourists through its various tourist destinations. First, you can enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba on Holbung Hill. Holbung Hill itself is in Tele Village, Samosir. This place offers another side of the beauty of Lake Toba. It…