Tabor Hill Camping Ground

In our Holy Book New testament read that Yesus at one time invite his pupils to climb a hill namely hill of Tabor, where Yesus come in contact with two Old Agreement figure people that is Mozes and of Elia
At the time Petrus and its its his that is Yohanes and of Yakobus so kerasan and like to live in that place and propose is so that made by encampment there : one for Yesus and one for Mozes and one again for the Elia of.
" Petrus say to Him: Learn what a happy is we at one's post this. Well we is founded by this time three camp, one for Thou , one for Mozes and one for the Elia of ( Luk 9:35).

Earth Encampment in this Puh Den is called [by] Hill of Tabor on the chance of so that all is young and adolescent to camp in place this feel to like and krasan live in there because sure that God attend and shade them in place this. Under the sun this available encampment of and bathroom of WC so that all onsumer of encampment do not busy require to think of MCK. Despitefully is also provided by a open Verandah of ancient palace which can be used for activity to with, for misa and others.

If do not be used by this Verandah of ancient palace also can to celebrate Misa to all incoming peziarah to Puh Den. Even not yet been opened, at this 19-20 August 2000 encampment earth have been weared by Surabaya bishop.young in order to celebrating Glorious Yubileum of Year 2000 for Young Kawula. In that encampment attend more or less 1.500 young kawula and all its builder from entire paroki in Bishop of Surabaya.

This Encampment earth can be used to all younger, boy scout, student and others so long as asking for permission first to its use. In this case can contact Posko Information which located in entrance yard of komplek church of Pub Den.

This Earth Encampment represent one of the medium construction of young clan in Bishop of Surabaya, because besides in place this Bishop of Surabaya also provide encampment in Sasana Krida Jatijejer, Mojosari, broader Mojokerto of encampment earth in Hill of Tabor. also encampment there is still be smaller in complex housing of Grand Trawas [in] all purppose building komplek [of] Yohanes. Earth Encampment blessed by Bishop of Surabaya, Mgr J. Hadiwikarta, on 8 October 2000 at the same time with endowment of Mausoleum and of Colombarium Pieta.



To give security to encampment hill users and them which is have pilgrimage to mausoleum, in Earth Encampment corner there are a Post Security. Despitefully in the face of entrance of Mausoleum and Earth Encampment there are Posko Health which do not be opened every day, only if there is big event like Novena, Misa Friday of Legi and other big event where incoming many people.