Emaus Multi-purpose Hall
in the year 1994 will be started plan Renovasi Keempat church Puh
Sarang arise problems how providing place of observance for believer
in Puh Sarang and also the peziarah is strarting many coming since
performed a Novena Bunda Maria in October 1994? Despitefully renovate
antique church not easy, of course unload it easy to but how maintaining
and return to form of its original like in the year 1936?
Development Team of Bishop Surabaya with Uskup Surabaya have a notion
that needing built [by] a building of big which able to accomodate
the peziarah to the time of Novena being performed [a] monthly, start
October up to month of juni every year him(it, as well as in the place
of old church if later unloaded to be renovated.
It is agreed on the built to be non new church building,
since have already there are stripper church that is enough respected,
but build a Gedung Serba Guna, which able to be applied for all kinds
of need : to practice worship, for meeting of believer also for event
that is is serious not like for event of entertainment amusement and
Thereby function of legitimate stage that is formerly have ever at
Puh Sarang, namely in ampiteater which have losed and no more since
the year 1955 and piled up to to become garden, taken over by Gedung
Serba Guna. Animate and build again ampiteater presumably don't profit
again, remember the limited the farm, and present event of in far
televisions drawn than sandiwara or classic toneel.
Multi purpose Building is practice workshop and test
to renovate stripper church. If formerly scorpion Ir. H. Maclaine
Pont apply his experience and its expertise to build museum in Trowulan
to build Church Puh Sarang, hence now by building this multi purpose
building is expected [by] the designers, the engineers and the workers
building this multi purpose building to have experience and expertise
which able to be exploited to renovate church.
Therefore This multi purpose building is built with
structure and architecture alike Church Puh Sarang, that is his(its
roof using to unfold steel, don't apply usuk and reng wood as usual,
form of his pass is also typically as in old church.
purppose Building is built alike Perahu and just Gunungan, Hanya if
in stripper church, Big mains Building and full of relief, hence is
now made more simple, Building Pendapa which in stripper church only
be small is exactly made is big to be able to accomodate many believers.
Simply this success attempt so that when performing
a fourth renovation easily the matter is enforceable because the designers
and the workers have been experienced.
Date of 12 Octobers 1997 performed a first stone long
to start of development of Gedung Serba Guna by Uskup Surabaya, Mgr.
Johanes Hadiwikarta in parallel with opening of Novena in October.
All purppose building planning made by Ir. AS. Rusli, Ir. Yohan Budi
Santosa and Ir. Harry Widayanto. execution of Development executed
by Ir. Harry Widayanto assisted by Ir. Djoko, Bp Bernard and the workers.
It is beside [by] development of Gedung Serba Guna is also searched
source of wellspring, and praise God in the location is found by two
source of wellspring that is big enough. Is also built bathroom and
toilet or WC for the peziarah. After battling with hard difficultness
hence finally this Gedung Serba Guna, even one year from when first
stone long, namely on 11 Octobers 1998 All purppose Buildings blessed
by Uskup Surabaya in parallel with opening of Novena October 1998.
After endowment and opening hence to initiative Romo Katijanarsa,
CM, pastor paroki is at that time performed a party for public? people
invitingly Reog Ponorogo and his nocturnal is performed a stage Wayang
Wahyu with puppeteer Romo Justinus Slamet, OCarm, with the pengrawit
and waranggana from stasi Slorok, Blitar.
if formerly in the early of forming of Puh Sarang there are legitimate
stage showing drama from Holy Book copy, hence at the night is showed
puppets taking theme and idea from Holy Book.
Beside its form unique there are idiosyncrasy of differ
from this multi purpose building because Mimbar being applied come
from life tree trunk being killed given and drug so that resistant
to white ants and others. Chair chair in altar good to the imams and
also the putra Altar made of the trees bar in location, and so do
altar stanchion is also made of wood bars from big tree formerly grow
in the present location as symbol existence of continuity or kontinuity
between a period of now with pasts.