Golgotha Hill Cross-route
Christ redeem man is falling in sin of with His misery and death in
crucifix wood in hill Golgota. Jesus is fallen by capital punishment
by Pontius Pilatus, country power by then in Yerusalem. In Bible Yohanes
we are read shortly the story that way: " Finally Pilatus deliver
Jesus to them to be crucified.
They receive Jesus. Shouldering His crucifix to go out to place which
so called place of skull, in Hebrew language : Golgota. And there
lanthanum is crucified them and together with He is crucified also
two others, on either side, medial Jesus. And Pilatus order to install
also article above the crucifix wood, sound him : " Jesus, people
Nazaret, Raja people Jew." ( Yoh 19:1619).
That is why catholic people hardly like contemplation to this Jesus
misery by praying crucifix road. " At century 1 strarting done
by a divine in memory of Jesus Christ misery by the peziarah in Yerusalem.
Since century ke-15 this divine is done also in churchs Fransiskan
outside Palestinian, and since century - 17 in other church also.
At church wall is attached by 14 small crucifix signs ( from wood)
usual is accompanied with picture about miserable events started from
punishing of Jesus by Pontius Pilatus until His funeral. Pray Cross
street to unite us with Sang Penyelamat, that ungrudgingly shoulder
our sins, and is expression thank our to it. Pray indium Cross road
accompanied with Indulgensi" ( Ensiklopedi Gereja Jilid If, sub-title
: Jalan Cross, Institution of Creature Loka Caraka, Jakarta 1992,
yard 148, artcit.)
from the crucifix road in churchs, crucifix street in Puh Sarang is
made according to example of the crucifix street in Lourdes, with
statues equal to man, the numbers there is around 100 fruit of statue.
As does the crucifix road in Lourdes hence the crucifix
street in Puh Sarang there are stasi ke-15 depicting empty tomb (Makam
As Does Statue Maria which is big, and so do the crucifix
road statues in Puh Sarang made by local actor from Surabaya and Kediri
below Father coordination Afandi from Surabaya. While settlement of
road and farm done by Ir. Harry Widayanto and Ir. Djoko and father
Bernard, Ir. AS. Rush also arrange location of crucifix street.
crucifix road
statues in Puh Sarang is contribution Dr. Agus Harsana, former Ketua
Panitia Pembangunan Puh Sarang, pass away on 20 Junes 2000 and buried
in believer mausoleum in Puh Sarang at elbow Gedung Serbaguna. All
komplek and statues Jalan Cross require time two years to do it.
Date of 28 Mays 2000 komplek crucifix road
blessed by Uskup Surabaya, Mgr. J. Hadiwikarta, which then lead crucifix
prayer followed by Panitia Pembangunan Puh Sarang and believer who
present by then. crucifix street in present Puh Sarang is one of fascination
of people for having pilgrimage there.