Tourism Destinatons
Potential Industry
farmers are very familiar with this kind of plants. It
has economic value because almost all farmers want to
plant tobacco during the dry season. This main plantation
can increase the living standard of the farmers. In 2000,
the development of tobacco production reached 111,63 ton
with 30,488 Ha area.
This plant is one of the plantation yields that grow in
Pamekasan. It has restorative power particularly for beauty
and health need by herb and medicine factories. The price
is reasonable enough. The production capacity is very
highest especially when the yell ripe. In Pamekasan the
herb-chili production development in 2000 reached 217,90
is an excellent commodity for most farmers in pamekasan
because the planting is done on a large scale. Orange
fruit from Pamekasan is well known for its sweet flavor,
therefore the yirld of production is marketed is supermarkets
of big cities like Jakarta and Surabaya and other cities.
of the distinctive features in Madura Island is the specific
race of Madurese cow. Raising cow has been performed with
the effort of fattening up cow, the brooding system. This
system makes high sell price. The cow raising effort has
good prospect considering the increasing demand of beef
cattle. Apart from meeting the local need, the cow marketing
is also under-gone out of Madura e.g Surabaya, Jakarta
and other cities. The cattle population development in
2000 reached 113,704 cattle.
Madura strait contains a good level of salinity, thus
can produce enough salt for Pamekasan regency. The production
capacity can be counted in every salt field cultivated
by farmers. Each field extends to 2000 m, farmers can
produce salt 7 ton every harvest. Until ap present there
are many industry centers / factories, which manufacture
iodized circulating in all of Indonesian regions.
The water in Madura, mainly Pamekasan is a priceless gift
for us because it’s great biological resources such
as seaweed. It proves from the production, every 1-quintal
seed is equal with 1-ton fresh seaweed. Seaweed production
in Pamekasan reaches 500-ton wet or 75-ton dry seaweed
every year. This commodity is very suitable for cosmetic,
which up to now has been, go public to several foreign
Recently, the fishing of small sea fish has been intensified
because of the high economic potential. It has been proved
by met the export demand particularly to Japan. These
small sea fish business areas are located at Pademawu,
Larangan and Waru regency, which absorb hundreds of Laborforces.
writing Batik is one of the Madurese handicrafts, in Pamekasan
particularly. This handicraft always makes a good progress
from year to year. The marketing can event meets the demand
in and about out of the counry. In 2000, batik business
units reached 931 units and were supported by 1771 labor
forces and investment value amounting to Rp. 66.547.000.
In batik centers the craftsmen can produce batik in various
kinds, from bed cover, long cloth, sarong, dress, shirt,
etc. As well as unbleached plain cloth material varies
in accordance with the demand and need of the society
from first-rate material, polisma, primissima to silk.
The Madurese writing batik has superiority for having
typical character unique.
Beside the writing batik, minor industry sector having
good prospect is Madurese herb. The presence of this product
is inspired by Madurese skill in compounding herb consist
of various kinds of herb plants grown in yards. This is
done from generation to generation. They say most people
truly believe and trust the extraordinary herb. Until
now on, the orders for the herb always have been making
significant progress.
One of the other significant nature potentials in Pamekasan
is Phosphate stone content. It’s very suitable for
fertilizer raw material Triple Super Phosphaten (TSP)
and Double Super Phosphate and acid industry. In Pamekasan
this mineral has spreading area 100m2 – 150m2 with
backup volume 15m2 – 30m2 and 2m depth. This mineral
can be found in the north region of Pamekasan regency.

Madura Annual Bull Race
Karapan Sapi Karapan Sapi, is Madura annual traditional event, it is such a bull racing tournament. It usually being held at week end within August to September, or ideally before or after the fasting month. Date back to the early begin, Karapan Sapi was exist before 15 Century. The championship is starting from the district level to the regency level and forwarded to the level Residence. Last, the final will be held on September or October in the city of Pamekasan to compete for President Cup. Karapan Sapi is such…
Madura, Strong Like The Bull
Madura Madura is one of Indonesian Island, which is located on northeastern coast of Java Island. The indigenous are about ethnically Madurese, with particular language of Madurese. Politically, Madura, over the centuries had become subordinate to regional authority based in Java. Around the year 900-1500, the island is under the influence of the east Javanese Hindu kingdom like Kediri, Singhasari, and Majapahit. Madura ethnic, like Tionghoa ethnic is such a large ethnic which spread all over Indonesia area. Madura is one of the poorest area. Unlike other area in Indonesia,…
Madura Annual’s Ceremony : Bull Race
The Background Of Bull Racing Bullrace is one of Madura’s culture, which become the special characteristis of Madura Island. The beginning of the bullrace originated from the fact that Madura is not so fertile that is not good for agriculture, instead the Madurese cath fish and breed cows and bulls which are also used for farming especially to plough the fields where paddies or second crop plants are grown. A man named Syeh Ahmad Baidawi who firstly introduced the weay of working the soil with using bamboo sled pulled by…