Obyek Wisata
Kabupaten Pamekasan

Kabupaten Pamekasan adalah salah satu kabupaten di Pulau Madura, dengan ibu kota Pamekasan. Kabupaten ini berbatasan dengan Laut Jawa di utara, Selat Madura di selatan, kabupaten Sampang di barat dan kabupaten Sumenep di timur.
Kabupaten dengan 13 kecamatan ini telah dikenal sejak abad ke 16, ketika Ronggosukowati mulai memindahkan pusat pemerintahan dari Kraton Labangan Daja ke Kraton Mandilaras. Kabupaten ini memiliki kebudayaan yang kaya dan yang telah ada secara turun temurun. Upacara adat ang paling populer dan banyak dikenal adalah Upacara Petik Laut dan tentu saja Karapan Sapi, event yang khas dari Pulau Madura.
Karena terletak di wilayah kepulauan, tidak heran bahwa kabupaten ini memiliki banyak pantai yang bisa dikunjungi sebagai obyek wisata, seperti Pantai Talang Siring dan pantai Jumiang. Selain itu banyak juga lokasi yang siap untuk di eksplor keberadaannya.

Madura Annual Bull Race
Karapan Sapi Karapan Sapi, is Madura annual traditional event, it is such a bull racing tournament. It usually being held at week end within August to September, or ideally before or after the fasting month. Date back to the early begin, Karapan Sapi was exist before 15 Century. The championship is starting from the district level to the regency level and forwarded to the level Residence. Last, the final will be held on September or October in the city of Pamekasan to compete for President Cup. Karapan Sapi is such…
Madura, Strong Like The Bull
Madura Madura is one of Indonesian Island, which is located on northeastern coast of Java Island. The indigenous are about ethnically Madurese, with particular language of Madurese. Politically, Madura, over the centuries had become subordinate to regional authority based in Java. Around the year 900-1500, the island is under the influence of the east Javanese Hindu kingdom like Kediri, Singhasari, and Majapahit. Madura ethnic, like Tionghoa ethnic is such a large ethnic which spread all over Indonesia area. Madura is one of the poorest area. Unlike other area in Indonesia,…
Madura Annual’s Ceremony : Bull Race
The Background Of Bull Racing Bullrace is one of Madura’s culture, which become the special characteristis of Madura Island. The beginning of the bullrace originated from the fact that Madura is not so fertile that is not good for agriculture, instead the Madurese cath fish and breed cows and bulls which are also used for farming especially to plough the fields where paddies or second crop plants are grown. A man named Syeh Ahmad Baidawi who firstly introduced the weay of working the soil with using bamboo sled pulled by…