The Story of Majapahit Mpu Sindok Airlangga Rajasa Dynasty Joko Dolog Kertanagara Raden Wijaya Shiwa - Budha Gajah MadaTROWULAN
Bajang Ratu Temple Kedaton Temple Tomb of Princess from Champa Tikus Temple Pendopo Agung Trowulan MuseumSiti Inggil GraveyardMAJAPAHIT IN DECLINE
Archithectural Style Majapahit's Sites Winginlawang Temple Kidal Temple Singosari Temple Jajaghu Temple Sumberawan Temple Sumberjati Temple Sawentar Temple Rimbi Temple Penataran Temple Tigowangi and Surawana Temple Jabung Temple Mt. Penanggungan Sukuh and Ceto TempleJedong Temple Gentong Temple Kesiman Temple Pasetran Temple Reco LanangGENEALOGY OF THE RAJASA DYNASTY
Architectural Styles
A further development occurred in spatial orientation. In the classical architecture of Central Java, the layout of a temple or temple complex tended to be symmetrical, with the principal building situated in the centre, almost invariably aligned with the cardinal points. The whole was conceived as an earthly reflection of the subtle regions inhabited by the gods, according to the principles of Hindu and Buddhist cosmology. With the temples of East Java, however, there appears to have been a move away from this closed, centrally focussed orientation, to one where the most important and sacred building was placed at the rear of the complex, furthest from the entrance. We see a clear example of this idea at Candi Penataran, where the site is divided into three separate courtyards, into which a variety of buildings have been placed in a seemingly haphazard fashion. Symmetry has been all but abandoned. The principal building, which faces west, can be found at the far eastern end of the compound. It has frequently been noted, incidently, that Penataran appears to have been a prototype for the modern day Balinese pura, which usually consists of three courtyards, known as jaba, jaba tengah, and jeroan, The temple is essentially a consecrated space enclosed and protected by its surrounding wall.
In some cases, notably the principal temple at Penataran, as well as at Candi Jajaghu, there are indications that the roof was not made of stone, but rather of a combination of wood and sugar palm fibre (ijuk). An example of this type of structure can still be seen at the Pura Yeh Gangga at Perean, 60 kilometres north of Denpasar in Bali. The temple, which dates from the Majapahit period (inscriptions at the site display dates equivalent to A.D. 1339 and 1429) shows the typical 'pagoda-like' tiered roof (mew) of Balinese temples, in this case set on a stone base. Reliefs on the walls of Candi Jajaghu, moreover, display similar structures.