Trowulan Museum
of Trowulan's central attractions is the
new Archaeological Museum, to be found on
the western side of the kolam
segaran. Officially
opened in 1987, it was built for the purpose
of displaying and preserving the ever increasing
number of historical treasures discovered
in the vicinity of the old Majapahit capital.
Covering a spacious area of some 57,625 square
metres, this new site accommodates the collection
of the old Trowulan
Museum, as well as the
bulk of the stone sculpture which used to
be housed in the museum of Mojokerto. Among
the objects on display, a few deserve special
mention, notably the famous portrait statue
of Airlangga as Wishnu on Garuda, from Candi
Belahan; a winged figure which is said to
portray the legendary king of Blambangan,
Menak Jinggo; and a part of a temple from
Ampelgading, Malang, displaying the story
of Samodramanthana in finely carved
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A terracotta water container, depicting
carved animal figures |

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A stone relief panel, preserved in the
office of the Archaelogical Service, Trowulan |

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An ancient water spout, in the form
of a human figure, displaying ornaments
and hair style of the Majapahit Period
Part of Candi recovered from a site
at Ampelgading Malang ; relief displays
the story Samodramanthana, or " The
Churning of the Ocean of Milk"

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: 9 - 10 : Stone and brick remains dating
from the Majapahit period, can be seen
in the Archaeological Service, Trowulan. |

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Picture : 11. A recent excavation
near the Trowulan Museum
Picture : 12. A stone yoni pedestal,
discovered in the vicinity of Trowulan,
now preserved at the museum

Picture : 12
information about Mojo Fruit, please Click
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