Obyek Wisata
Goa Akbar

Goa Akbar, adalah salah satu obyek wisata Tuban yang paling dikunjungi. Tidak seperti Goa lain yang terletak di atas bukit atau di tempat yang sulit untuk dijangkau, Goa Akbar berlokasi tapat di bawah pasar rakyat.
Goa ini merupakan Goa alami yang indah dengan beberapa sentuhan tambahan di dalamnya seperti kolam air tawar dan ikan-ikan mas yang terpelihara dengan baik. Nama Goa Akbar ini diambil dari nama sebuah pohon yang tumbuh di depan Goa, yaitu pohon Abar.
Di beberapa ruang dalam goa ini dipercaya masyarakat sekitar sebagai tempat bertapa Sunan Kalijogo dan Sunan Bonang. Pada sisi lain dari dalam goa terdapat sebuah ruangan yang bisa digunakan oleh pengunjung untuk melakukan ibadah sholat. Bagian ini memiliki lantai dasar goa yang telah dilapis keramik warna putih dan hitam sebagai penanda barisan sholat.
Sebuah ruangan yang cukup luas terdapat pula didalam gua ini diberi nama Paseban Wali yang dipercaya dulunya digunakan oleh para walisongo untuk berkumpul dan menyampaikan ajaran agama Islam. Stalaktit dan stalagmit juga seakan menjadi hiasan ruangan. Ditambah lagi dengan adanya batu-batu besar yang terletak di bagian depan ruang, seakan menjadi podium bagi pembicara.

Siwalan, Legen And Tuak
Siwalan Plantation Siwalan is a type of palm trees that grow in many coastal regions in hot and dry area with the sea breeze is blowing a little stronger. Tuban Regency and some areas along the north coast (Pantura) of Java, is the endemic place from Siwalan tree. One of the products from this fruit is Legen, which the water of the fruit. It sweet and fresh and can be fermented into tradition liquor called tuak. While the fruit of siwalan is having sweet and chewy texture like jelly. More…
Harvesting Legen
Legen Legen is such a traditional beverage coming from Tuban, East Java. Legen is taken by the Siwalan tree which almost spread all over Tuban. Originally, Legen is the first water of Siwalan with taste of sweet and fresh, without being fermented. After getting fermented legen is change to be Tuak. Tuak is now become a traditional alcohol beverage with strong and heavy taste, and of course, tipsify. More info visit: www.eastjava.com
Batik Gedog Tuban
Batik Gedog Batik Gedog is a traditional painting Batik from Tuban – East Java. Kerek, a region of Tuban is well known as central of Batik Gedog. Mostly the Batik Gedog’s artisan is come from Kerek. This kind of Indonesian Batik is a masterpiece of cultural creation which the existence still accepted by society until now. There’s many value of art and cultural content that represented by the Batik, so that this kind of batik have its own special characteristic. Tuban, as one of the town which located in the…
Traditional Batik Gedog Tuban
Batik Gedog Batik Gedog is a traditional painting Batik from Tuban – East Java. Kerek, a region of Tuban is well known as central of Batik Gedog. Mostly the Batik Gedog’s artisan is come from Kerek. This kind of Indonesian Batik is a masterpiece of cultural creation which the existence still accepted by society until now. There’s many value of art and cultural content that represented by the Batik, so that this kind of batik have its own special characteristic. Tuban, as one of the town which located in the…