Situbondo Regency

Situbondo is one districts in Eastjava, which lies on the north coast between Probolinggo and Banyuwangi. To get to Situbondo, it takes about 4 hours from Surabaya and 5 hours from Denpasar Bali.
Situbondo district is 1,638,150 km2 or 163,850 ha. The distance from the east to the west border is 150 km and 11 km grom the south to the north with the population of 607,106 consisting of 312,659female (51%) and 297,697 male (49%)spreading in 17 subdistrict with the average population density of 414 people per km2.
As a district
lying on the coastal area, the weather in Situbondo is so
hot -- 28°c - 32°c that Situbondo becomes a right
choice to visit especially duringthe dry season - from April
to September.
As wel as agriculture, Situbondo is also worth developing
the sector of fishery and tourism for its long coast, mountains,
forests and the countryside life style.
The majority
of the people are Moslems, bat they can life among different
society with different regions in harmony so that there is
no religiously social conflict among the religion followers.
Madurese language is their daily language, bat some of them
speak Javanese. In formal circumtances, they speak Indonesian
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Saebus Island, Kangean Archipelago
Saebus Island Pulau Saebus is an island in Kangean archipelago, and it administratively located in Sumenep Regency, Madura, East Java, Indonesia. The nearest places to Pulau Saebus are Pulau Saur (6 km west), Pulau Bangkan (6 km north), Pulau Sasiil (7 km east), and Sapeken (9 km north). Saebus island is having magnificent sea world, with the Anemone kingdom that can be seen in sloping sea. To reach Saebus island, it can be start from Surabaya to Madura and crossing to Kangean islands. It can also be start from Bali…
Setancak Waterfall – Situbondo
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The Mountain Shade At Bekol Savannah, Situbondo
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Baluran National Park Is In Situbondo, Not Africa
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