Daya Tarik Wisata
Air Terjun Toroan

Air terjun Toroan terletak di desa Ketapang Timur, sekitar 4 Km arah timur kota Ketapang atau 88 Km dari Kamal.
Air Terjun Toroan agak berbeda dengan air terjun yang banyak terdapat di pegunungan, karena tingginya yang hanya sekitar 200 meter, tidak sampai puluhan atau bahkan ratusan meter, dan keunikan yang lain adalah aliran airnya yang langsung menuju ke laut. Air terjun ini dikelilingi dengan banyaknya pepohonan rindang di sekitar air terjun. Sangat sejuk dan asri. Lelah selama menempuh perjalanan jauh akan terbayar jika Anda sudah sampai di lokasi. Anda bisa menikmati keindahan air terjun dari atas, maupun dari bawah, karena tingginya yang hanya 200 meter.
Keadaan alam di sekitar Air Terjun Toroan masih sangat alami. Belum tersentuh oleh penambang pasir laut dan belum dikotori oleh coretan-coretan tangan yang membuat kotor objek wisata seperti di beberapa objek wisata lain. Batu-batu yang besar dan masih utuh, mampu menahan gelombang ombak dan pasirnya masih bersih di sepanjang bibir pantai. Anda bisa juga menyaksikan matahari terbenam di lokasi Air Terjun Toroan yang mempesona. Yang lebih menariknya, air yang jatuh dari tebing air terjun ini langsung mengalir ke laut lepas.

Madura Annual Bull Race
Karapan Sapi Karapan Sapi, is Madura annual traditional event, it is such a bull racing tournament. It usually being held at week end within August to September, or ideally before or after the fasting month. Date back to the early begin, Karapan Sapi was exist before 15 Century. The championship is starting from the district level to the regency level and forwarded to the level Residence. Last, the final will be held on September or October in the city of Pamekasan to compete for President Cup. Karapan Sapi is such…
A Day In Toroan Waterfall
Toroan Waterfall Toroan waterfall, is another small hidden paradise that lies in Ketapangdaya Village, Madura island. Toroan waterfall is the only waterfall in Madura, and it become a particular. The particular is coming from the way of the waterfall flows directly to the ocean, precisely, Java Ocean. It has only 10 Meters high and the fall is quite high that make such a lagoon within the rocks. During the high tides, the entire area is covered by sea water and that makes the waterfall is pouring down into the ocean.…
Here The Gorgeous Winner
Karapan Sapi Karapan Sapi, is Madura annual traditional event, it is such a bull racing tournament. It usually being held at week end within August to September, or ideally before or after the fasting month. Date back to the early begin, Karapan Sapi was exist before 15 Century. The championship is starting from the district level to the regency level and forwarded to the level Residence. Last, the final will be held on September or October in the city of Pamekasan to compete for President Cup. Karapan Sapi is such…
Happy Day On Toroan Waterfall
Toroan Waterfall Toroan waterfall, is another small hidden paradise that lies in Ketapangdaya Village, Madura island. Toroan waterfall is the only waterfall in Madura, and it become a particular. The particular is coming from the way of the waterfall flows directly to the ocean, precisely, Java Ocean. It has only 10 Meters high and the fall is quite high that make such a lagoon within the rocks. During the high tides, the entire area is covered by sea water and that makes the waterfall is pouring down into the ocean.…