Tourism Destinatons
Pantai Teleng Ria

Berjarak sekitar 5 menit dari pusat kota Pacitan, atau sekitar 3,5Km, Pantai Teleng Ria merupakan obyek wisata yang paling banyak di kunjungi saat berada di Pacitan.
Pantai ini berhadapan langsung dengan Pantai Selatan, dengan hamparan pasir putih sepanjang 3Km. Ombak di pantai inipun cocok bagi mereka yang ingin berenang atau hanya untuk bermain-main di kala liburan keluarga. Pemandangan yang melatarbelakangi pantai inipun tak kalah indah, karena disekitarnya dikelilingi oleh rangkaian gunung Limo.
Selain sebagai obyek wisata, Pantai Teleng Ria ini juga dijadikankan untuk Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI) sehingga pengunjung dapat membeli ikan segar yang baru di tangkap oleh para nelayan.

Luweng Jaran Cave, The Longest Cave In Indonesia
Luweng Karan Cave Luweng Jaran is the longest cave in Indonesia, which last data entry on the list of the world’s longest cave Luweng Jaran registered in 2002 with a total length reaches 24 km. Location L. Luweng Jaran located in the village, Kec. Punung, Pacitan, East Java. It was first discovered by local residents, was first explored by the Joint Expedition team Anglo – Australian, who was accompanied by a crawler Caves of Indonesia in 1984. At that time, the mapping reaches 11 km, then the expedition was continued…
The Dawn At Teleng Ria Beach
Teleng Ria Beach Teleng Ria beach is the nearest destination while visiting Pacitan Regency, it is about 5 minutes from the city. This beach faced to ‘Pantai Selatan’ or South Sea with the extent of white sand along 3 km. The distance from the Capital of Pacitan regency to the location is only 3,5 km, and it is easily reached with various vehicle. The wave is medium and enjoyable for swimming and also to have a picnic with family. It has white sand and beautiful panorama guarded by limo mountains.…
The Melody On Tabuhan Cave
Tabuhan Cave According to the public story around, Tabuhan cave has found by Kyai Santiko who lost his ox but finnaly the ox was come to a cave. His ox didn’t want to out from the cave, because it save many water from the root on it. After the brushwood has cleaned, the cave was taken care by Raden Bagus Joko Lelono and a princess Raden Ayu Mardilah. Tabuhan Cave is on the southwest coast East Java, is the emmense interior of Tabuhan cave. This cave called Tabuhan because it…
Teleng Ria Beach
Teleng Ria Beach Teleng Ria beach is the nearest from Pacitan, it is about 5 minutes from the city. This beach faced to ‘Pantai Selatan’ with extent of white sand along about 3 km length. The distance from the Capital of Pacitan regency to the location is only 3,5 km, and it is easily reached with various vehicle. The wave is medium and enjoyable for swimming and also to have a picnic with family. It has white sand and beautiful panorama guarded by limo mountains. Various supporting facilities which have…