Obyek Wisata
Waduk Pondok

Bendungan ini terletak di desa Dero Bringin, sekitar 6 Km sebelah timur Kota Ngawi.
Lokasi bendungan Pondok ini merupakan obyek wisata yang sering dikunjungi. Selain sebagai sarana irigasi dan pembangkit tenaga listrik, bendungan ini juga dimanfaatkan sebagi obyek wisata. Di bendungan Pondok ini terdapat areal memancing, motor boat, lahan berkemah, taman bermain dan beberapa tempat makan untuk berekreasi keluarga.
Obyek wisata bendungan Pondok ini memiliki luas 2.596 hektar dan dikelilingi oleh hutan mahoni dan pohon jati. Sangat cocok untuk digunakan obyek wisata keluarga.

Over The Dam
Pondok Dam Pondok Dam is located in Dero village, Bringin district, about 6 km east of Ngawi. It is a popular tourism object among the local tourists. Beside its functions as irrigation purposes, it also offers variety recreational activities such as; fishing, motor boating, camping, playground etc. Pondok Dam is the answer to spend of our day, because it has beautifull and natural scenery. This location has surrounded by Mahoni and teak trees. The total of water area is more than 2,596 hectares. Pondok Dam is offers a lot of…
The Gate To Tawun Park Ngawi
Tawun Park Tawun recreational park and swimming pool is located about 7 kilometers in the east of Ngawi city. Apart from its beauty the park also provides man-made lake equipped with facilities as canoes, mini animal park, fishing arena, tortoise pond, and swimming pool. In this place, the people around always held a traditional sacred ritual ceremony, which called “Keduk beji”. This traditional ceremony always held once a year on Tuesday Kliwon (Javanese calendar) after successful harvest. Visit Tawun recreational park in Ngawi that offers the interesting nature scenery. More…
Tawun Park, The Pool And The Lake
Tawun Recreational Park Tawun recreational park and swimming pool is located about 7 kilometers in the east of Ngawi city. Apart from the beauty, the park is also provides artificial lake equipped with facilities as canoes, mini animal park, fishing arena, tortoise pond, and swimming pool. In this place, the people around ar always held a traditional sacred ritual ceremony, which called “Keduk beji”. This traditional ceremony always held once a year on Tuesday Kliwon (Javanese calendar) after successful harvest. More info visit www.eastjava.com
Pondok Dam Ngawi
Pondok Dam Pondok Dam is located in Dero village, Bringin district, about 6 km east of Ngawi. It is a popular tourism object among the local tourists. Beside its functions as irrigation purposes, it also offers variety recreational activities such as; fishing, motor boating, camping, playground etc. Pondok Dam is the answer to spend of our day, because it has beautifull and natural scenery. This location has surrounded by Mahoni and teak trees. The total of water area is more than 2,596 hectares. Pondok Dam is offers a lot of…