Tourism Destinatons
Reco Lanang

Reco Lanang adalah sebuah arca berbentuk laki-laki [Lanang, Jawa] yang terbuat dari batu andesit dan terletak di desa Kemloko, kecataman Trawas, sekitar 40 Km dari kota Mojokerto. Arca ini memiliki tinggi 5,7 m dan merupakan gambaran dari salah satu Dhani sang Buddha, yang absobnya menguasai arah mata angin timur.
Agama Budha Mahayana mengenal adanya beberapa bentuk Buddha yaitu Dhyani Bodhisatwa dan manusi Budhi. Dhyani Budha digambarkan dalam perwujudan Budha yang selalu bertafakur dan berada di langit. Dengan kekuatannya ia memancarkan seorang manusi Budha yang bertugas mengajarkan dharma di dunia. Tugas manusi budha berakhir setelah wafat dan kembali ke Nirwana. Demi kelangsungan ajaran dharma, Dhyani Budha memancarkan dirinya lagi ke dunia yaitu ke Dhyani Boddhisatwa. Setiap jaman mempunyai rangkaian Dhyani Budha, Boddhisatwa dan Manusi Budha.
Another about Majapahit Website
of Mojopahit website - The History of Mojopahit Kingdom
: The capital city of the 13th to 15th century Majapahit
(hundred of pictures about majapahit on here!)

Kesiman Temple
Kesiman Temple Kesiman Temple is located in Kesiman Tengah village, Pacet district, Mojokerto regency. In Kesiman temple there are only the foot and body part remain. This temple is looks out upon west direction. On its fourth body part, has crafted some relief in Javanese style, medallion, rectangle, and human shape. In medallion, there is animal relief; then in rectangle, there is entertainer. The up stair is located in southwest and southeast side. The under part of stair in southeast is getting broken. The north side wall of the entertainer…
Trowulan Museum Mojokerto
Trowulan Mojokerto One of Trowulan’s central attractions is the new Archaeological Museum, to be found on the western side of the kolam segaran. Officially opened in 1987, it was built for the purpose of displaying and preserving the ever increasing number of historical treasures discovered in the vicinity of the old Majapahit capital. Covering a spacious area of some 57,625 square metres, this new site accommodates the collection of the old Trowulan Museum, as well as the bulk of the stone sculpture which used to be housed in the museum…
Legendary Jolotundo
Jolotundo Temple Jolotundo is like a swimming pool area that located near to Seloliman village, Trawas district, and east slope of Mount Penanggungan. This site is believed has relation with King Airlangga. This temple was prepared for Udayana King from Bali who embraced Gunapriyadharmapatni prince. From their marriage, it was born Airlangga it was build in 997M. According to the story, the water in this temple is the clearest water in the word, and the slope of Bekal Mountain, one of Peak of Penaggungan Mountain, Seloliman, Trawas. Its location is…
Jolotundo Site
Jolotundo There are two sites on Mt Penanggungan which can be visited quite easily, that is the bathing places of Jolotundo and Belahan, it located on the western and eastern sides of the mountain respectively. Jolotundo is like a swimming pool area that located near to Seloliman village, Trawas district, and east slope of Mount Penanggungan. This site is believed has relation with King Airlangga. This temple was prepared for Udayana King from Bali who embraced Gunapriyadharmapatni prince. From their marriage, it was born Airlangga it was build in 997M.…