Tourism Destinatons
Air terjun Titosari

Air terjun Titosari adalah obyek wisata yang masih termasuk dalam Kawasan Wisata Sarangan tepatnya di sebelah Barat Daya Telaga Sarangan. Obyek wisata ini dapat ditempuh dengan jalan kaki menyusuri pegunungan dengan pemandangan yang sangat indah dan ladang berundak khas pegunungan menjadi latar belakang yang mendominasi.
Air terjun Tirosari memiliki ketinggian hampir 50 meter. Masyarakat sekitar percaya bahwa dengan membasuh muka di air terjun tersebut akan membuat kita awet muda dan mempercantik, khususnya wanita. Namun, terlepas dari mitos tersebut air terjun Tirtosari ini memang sangatlah cantik dan elok.
Untuk menuju ke lokasi air terjun, pengunjung harus masuk terlebih dahulu melalui kawasan wisata Telaga Sarangan, lalu dilanjutkan dengan berjalan kaki dan menaiki anak tangga yang menuju ke air terjun.

The Crowd In Ledug Suro Ceremony
Ledug Suro Ledug suro is one of annual ceremonial that being held in some regencies in each province in Indonesia. Each provinces are having different names but have the same purpose. This Ledug Suro is particularly known for Magetan Regency. Ledug Suro is having purpose to celebrate the year of Saka, which starting on 1st Suro. The word Ledug Suro is taken by Lesung Suro and Bedug Muharam (Ledhug), which is drum that continually and it is been combined by the sound of gong and more instruments that make unique…
Sarangan Lake
Sarangan Lake Telaga Sarangan is also known as sand lake, is a natural lake that lies at the foot of Mount Lawu, Plaosan district , Magetan regency, East Java. Located about 16 kilometers west of the city Magetan, Sarangan is having 30 acres and and 28 meters depth. With air temperatures between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius, Telaga Sarangan able to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. The atmosphere is obviously become the most interesting place for the downtown people. Telaga Sarangan is Magetan’s tourism. Around the lake,…
Ledhug Suro Ceremony, Magetan
Ledhug Suro There are so many ways that being held by the local government to celebrate the new year of Hijriah. At Jogjakarta there is Sekaten, at Solo (Central Java) there is Grebeg Syuro because it coincidently come with the change of Java’s year which starting from Suro. Any other places like Sukabumi (West Java) is also celebrate this Islamic new year by doing Larung. In Magetan, East Java, in order to attract the visitors to come, they make “Ledhug”. Lesung Suro and Bedug Muharam (Ledhug) is typical of drum…
Sadon Temple
Sadon Temple Sadon temple or Reog temple is located in Sadon hamlet, Cepoko village, Panekan sub-district, Magetan. The local inhabitants are familiar with Reog temple than Sadon temple. It precisely located on 3 km from Magetan city. This temple was a relic of Majapahit kingdom, that was Shiva Temple, but it is not known exactly when and on what purpose this temple was made. This temple was discovered by a Dutch researcher named Hupermand on 1866, in a state that was not perfect anymore. In 1969, with the supported by…