Tourism Destinatons
General Condition Of Sarangan Lake

Lake is located at Mount Lawu feet, and representing
a tourist destination of East Java that always attracts
attention, which never free from tourist visits. Sarangan
Lake is located in Plaosan District, Magetan Regency,
about 1,600 meters above sea level. The climate around
is quite cool and comfortable, hence appropriate for
recreations. With its cold air and beautiful scenery,
Sarangan Lake is very famous as a recreation or tour
place of family. Up today, Sarangan tourism is common
visited by both domestic tourists and foreign tourist.
List of the last three years of visitor:
a tourist destination, Sarangan Lake has been known
since the Dutch time. Here the high-ranking Dutch
officials often spent their weekends. It is not surprising
that around the lake, villas of European archiecture
can still be found.
In the past, Sarangan Lake was better known as Pasir
Lake (sand lake). Because, during the dry season the
water has dried up, showing only a huge stretch of
sand. On the other hand, during the rainy season,
water would fill up the entire are of the lake. However,
until today no definite records can be found of when
the name of Pasir Lake has changed into Sarangan Lake.
But, irrespective of that, Sarangan Lake has remained
natural and interesting to visit.
As one of the famous tourism objects
in East Java, Sarangan has been equipped with various
facilities for the comfort of visitors. The facilities
that are managed by Magetan local government, are
among others; hotels; lodgments, restaurants, fruit
and vegetables markets, and souvenir shops. Besides
that, there are other facilities, like a wide parking
area, musholla (small mosque) and guard station.
To circle along and enjoy the 75 hectares lake, tourist can use motorboats for have a trip. Apart from that, there are "water ducks" and horses that will readily take you to the other tourism destinations around Sarangan lake, such as; Tirtosari and Sarangsari waterfalls.
Tirtosari waterfall is located 3 kilometers southwest of Sarangan Lake. While Sarangsari waterfall is located 2 kilometers northwest of Sarangan Lake. Both waterfalls are still natural and very attractive, because protected forests, managed by the ‘Perum Perhutani KPH Lawu DS’, surround these.
At the edge of the protected forest, and exactly at the edge of Sarangan Lake, the Perum Perhutani KPH Lawu DS has also built a lodgment (bed and breakfast), equipped with hot water, television, and telephones. Rates are cheap according to domestic tourists standards, and as compared to the other hotels or lodgments around the lake. Besides that, there is a playground (fun park) for children, with a quite spacious playground. Meanwhile, for adults, apart from the comfortable environment of the protected forest, there is also an open-air stage for cultural performances. And besides that 3.5 kilometers northwest of the lake, there is a Mojosemi camping ground, managed by the Perum Perhutani KPH Lawu DS. The cool and dense environment has created a location that is quite appropriate for nature lovers who are fond of camping, recreation or researching.
It is not difficult to get to Sarangan Lake, because all types of vehicles can directly access the location. If we used public transportation, board from Bungurasih Bus Terminal Surabaya heading for Magetan.

The Crowd In Ledug Suro Ceremony
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Sarangan Lake
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Ledhug Suro Ceremony, Magetan
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