Sunan Prapen Graveyard

Sunan Prapen graveyard is
located in west side direction from Sunan Giri grave. Besides
Sunan Prapen graveyard, there are also other graves of Islam
religion figure such as: grave, kawis, cave and Panembahan
Agung. The interesting tourism of Sunan Prapen graveyard is
the omission sites that carved on the wall and grave dome,
describes commerce prosperity in that period.
Sunan Prapen figure is related to dynasty Giri, which open
up by Sunan Giri that is Sunan Prapen in 1548 - 1605, continued
by Panembahan Kawis Guwo in 1605 - 1616, and followed Panembahan
Agung in 1616 - 1636.
Sunan Prapen is substitution of Sunan Giri after Sunan Giri
pass away in 1545.
Sunan Prapen pass away in 1605 and then its funeral become
funeral complex of the next Giri ruler.

Bawean Island
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