Tourism Destinatons
Kayangan Api

Api Kayangan adalah salah satu obyek wisata yang sangat populer di Bojonegoro. Kayangan Api yang merupakan sumber api abadi atau yang tak pernah padam sekalipun ini terletak di desa Sendangharjo, kecamatan Ngasem, sebuah desa yang memiliki areal hutan seluas 42,29% dari luas desa.
Api yang keluar sebagai sumber abadi obyek wisata ini merupakan sumber api alam, dan merupakan sumber api terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Saat pengunjung akan menuju lokasi wisata Api Kayangan ini, mereka akan terlebih dahulu melewati indahnya hutan jati yang hijau dan rindang. Sesampaianya di lokasi, akan terdapat gapura dengan jajaran tiang yang akan menyambut.
Di tengah tiang tersebut terdapat lingkaran batu yang mengeluarkan gelombang panas, tempat dimana si api abadi bersemayam.
Masyarakat sekitar meyakini, bahwa tempat ini adalah tempat bersemayamnya Mbah Kriyo Kusumo atau Mpu Supa, atau biasa disebut dengan Mbah Pandhe yang berasal dari kerajaan Majapahit. Mpu Supa merupakan seorang pande besi yang biasa membuat alat-alat pertanian dan pusaka. Kubangan lumpur yang berada di sebelah barat Api Kayangan dan berbau belerang dipercaya masyarakat bahwa, Beliau masih beraktifitas sampai "sekarang".
Dengan berbagai kepercayaan yang masih berkembang sampai saat ini, membuat Api Kayangan ini menjadi tempat yang sangat sakral. Api yang ada hanya boleh diambil jika ada upacara penting seperti yang telah dilakukan pada masa lalu, seperti upacara Jumenengan Ngarsodalem Hamengku Buwono X dan untuk mengambil api melalui suatu prasyarat yakni selamatan / wilujengan dan tayuban dengan menggunakan fending eling-eling, wani-wani dan gunungsari yang merupakan gending kesukaan Mbah Kriyo Kusumo.

Malo From Bojonegoro
Malo Handicraft Beside the foods and tourism attraction, Bojonegoro has anything different that interesting to find out, which is the furniture and handicraft products. Bojonegro is famous as one of teak wood producer in Java island, it is because Bojonegoro has big and wide teak forest. So, it is not surprising if this regency has many furniture and handicraft industry that made of teak wood. The center of its handicraft is located in Kasiman district, Bojonegoro. You can find many handicraft that made of teak wood, coconut tree, coconut shell,…
The Gate To Khayangan Api
Khayangan Api The name of “Kayangan Api” is a fire source that never die, located in the forest in Sendangharjo village, Ngasem district, a village that has about 42,29% jungle area of the village width. According to a story, Kayangan Api is a place of Mbah Kriyo Kusumo or Mpu Supa took a rest, he also known as Mbah Pandhe from Mojopahit. In the west side of Kayangan Api, there is a puddle of mud that contain of sulfur, and according to belief, at that time still made farm tools…
Hok Swie Bio Temple, The Colors of Diversity
Hok Swie Bio Temple Hok Swie Bio Temple is one of religious place in Bojonegoro. It is Tri Dharma religious place and famous with its Dragon Head design. It looks like a chinese area, because the design is seems like Chinese style. The dominant color of this temple is red, so that many people thought that this temple is build for Chinese people. This temple is visit by many people, especially in Chinese new year. There are many pilgrim from Bojonegoro and other area visit and pray here. Hok Swie…
The Green Tirta Wana Dander
Tirta Wana Dander Next south of Bojonegoro city about 13 km, there is nature tourism object and artificial tourism object, precise in Dander village, Dander district, that famous with Tirtawana, Tirta meaning Water and Wana meaning that the Forest. It’s mean that there is water in the forest. Tirta Wana Dander is a tourism object that has full of nature panorama that very beautiful, because there are many big trees and shady also tropical plants that made the air becomes cool and fresh. Here has built very wide swimming pool,…