Tourism Destinatons
Makanan Khas Kota Batu

Kota Batu terkenal dengan Apelnya, semua tahu itu. Lalu, adakah makanan khas lain dari kota dingin ini?
Cincau biasa di buat sebagai minuman yang manis dan dingin. Bisa juga di gunakan sebagai bahan tambahan kolak. Cincau berasal dari daun cincau yang di haluskan dan diambil sarinya untuk kemudian di olah menyerupai jelly kenyal berwarna hijau atau hijau kehitaman.
Di kota Batu, para pembuat cincau terletak di desa Tlekung, kecamatan Junrejo.
Cuka Apel
Sebagai penghasil apel yang besar, Kota Batu juga berhasil mengolah bahan makanan baru dengan menggunakan apel sebagai bahan dasarnya. Cuka apel, adalah salah satu produk andalan kota Batu yang terletak di desa Temas. Produk cuka apelnya di pasarkan dengan menggunakan merk Wukir Sari.
Dodol Apel
Satu lagi produk olahan dari apel adalah dodol apel. Makanan yang manis dan kenyal ini di produksi di desa Bumiaji dan telah di pasarkan ke hampir seluruh Indonesia.
Keripik Apel
Tak puas menggunakan olahan apel dalam bentuk makanan manis, Kota Batu pun ber ekplorasi menjadikan apel sebagi keripik andalan mereka. Bersama dengan berbagai macam kripik buah a la kota Malang dan Batu, keripik apel juga banyak di beli oleh para wisatawan sebagai produk oleh-oleh.

The Animal Skeleton On Batu Secret Zoo
Animal Museum Batu Secret Zoo is an official site of Jawa Timur Park or Jatim Park 2 that located in Batu city, East Java. Batu Secret Zoo is a modern zoo, complete with the high architectural design and numbers of animals’ collection. This zoo can be accessed for about 30n minutes from Malang city or 90 minutes from Surabaya. Moreover, this location is also near to other recreational park, which is Batu Night Spectacular or BNS. By lying on 2 hectares land, there are three sections become the visitors’ route…
The Animal Museum At Batu Secret Zoo
Batu Secret Zoo Batu Secret Zoo is an official site of Jawa Timur Park or Jatim Park 2 that located in Batu city, East Java. Batu Secret Zoo is a modern zoo, complete with the high architectural design and numbers of animals’ collection. This zoo can be accessed for about 30n minutes from Malang city or 90 minutes from Surabaya. Moreover, this location is also near to other recreational park, which is Batu Night Spectacular or BNS. By lying on 2 hectares land, there are three sections become the visitors’…
Songgoriti Temple
Songgoriti Temple Songgoriti is located in Songgokerto village, Batu district, under the hillside of Mount Panderman and has a hot spring pool. There is temple Songgoriti and Ganesha Statue as the empire omission of Singosari and Dutch era. Songgoriti Temple is located in a dale dissociating between mountainsides of Arjuna with mountainside of Kawi. This temple has built with a hot spring, which had believed able to heal various diseases. Seen from its simple architecture style, this temple classified as eldest temple in Central Java and the decoration described Central…
The Chilling Batu
Batu Batu city is located in 800 meters above sea level, with cold temperature between 17-25,6 degree Celsius. Batu city is an area in East Java that surrounded by mountains. Geographically, Batu is a mountainous area. The potencies of this area are coming from the agro tourism properties, which is fruits, vegetables, mountain panorama and the hills. When the visitors visit to Batu city, the fresh mountain air will welcoming us. There are some tourism destination that most visitors visit regularly, they are; Jatim Park, Selecta, Songgoriti, Agro tourism, Coban…