Unlike many older cities which grew out of early settlement and spread haphazardly accross the landscape, Surabaya was carefully planned before
a single brick was laid.

This fast - growing Surabaya is the seat of Goverment and business activities. It's also called "Indamardi City: Which means it has the infrastructure and the facilities for Industy, Trade, Maritime and Education.

Trought it's been declarade as "a city of Heroes" since 1945, its history of patriotism dates back to the 13th century when this country was ruled by
a famous empire "Majapahit"

The first king Raden Widjaya fought against Tartar troops from China (Khu Bilai Khan) and drove them
out of the country.

Surabaya is the right choice for the dutch
as a nostalgia spot.


Enjoy the city tour, and you'll have a most memorable time. We offer the zoo with its "Komodo" dragon lizard, Archeological museum "Mpu Tantular", Kayoon flower market, Joko Dolog Buddhist statue in honour of the last king of Singosari, People's Amusement Park (THR) and more.

Also visit Kalimas harbour to experience a welcome change from the traffic and noice of the city, the Heroes Monoment that stands aloof and proud in town, built to honour the heroes fallen during the "Battle of Surabaya".

The monuments is forty - five yards high, has eleven joints and ten sides to tell you the year, month and and date of the beginning of the bloody revolution on 10 November 1945.

There are still other historic treasures such as : Mojopahit (LMS) Hotel, Grahadi Hall and a number of great monuments spread across Surabaya.

The tour around Surabaya would visit : Trowulan remains of the Mojopahit Kingdom, leather and batik handicraft Sidoarjo, Tretes mountain resort with panoramic views, Kakek Bodo, waterfall and East Java classical ballet performance at Pandaan with its Jawi temple.

After a full day exploring Surabaya's atrractions, you may wish to put your feet up or let your hair down - go to the theatre or night club - and your only problem will be how to choose from all that's offered.

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