Tourism Destinatons
Interesting Place
Culture Tourism
Special Tourism
Interesting Place
Culture Tourism
Special Tourism
Pelang Beach

It is situated in Wonocoyo village, Panggul district, about
56 Km southwest of Trenggalek. This beach is still natural
and well-known with its high waves. Not far from the beach
(about 300 M) there is waterfall with 25 meters high. It
is a place where people can take a bath intended to cure
a certain disease and to make people stay young. Beside
that, the visitors are also able to enjoy the beautiful
coastal panorama from a small hill near the beach.
A nature lovers could keep wondering when their visits the
beautiful and virgin beach of Pelang. Saying that the place
is a Kuta, a Niagara, and a Karangbolong in a package, could
be exaggerating. At Pelang, you can spend your leisure time,
lying on the white sand, listening to the poetry of the
sea without being interrupted by curious beach bums, masseurs,
or souvenir vendors, And to think of exploring the stunning
Situated at Panggung district, Pelang is a nice place to visit, especially for those who are not too obsessive about luxury. This is so quiet place that you can hear the voice of swallows between the rhythm of the waves that are similar to the ones of Kuta Beach. There is no restaurants and there is no hotel around Pelang. If you want to spend the night on the beach, you have to bring your own tents or sleeping bags and your own food.
Along the hilly road to Pelang, you will enjoy the scenery of hills at a very unique configuration. One of the hills, from a distance, looks just like a giant pole towering among the others. You'd think that you'd never be able to get to close it. But, when you get to Dongko, the highest spot on the route, that hill is right beside you,like a pin that could have been installed by Mother Nature to keep the earth stable. The beauty of Pelang, unfortunately, has not been able to summon any investor. Although the nature of this place must be kept unchanged, it sure needs some "polishing". Once you lie on the beach, close your eyes and listen to the voice of nature.

Penehan Island – Trenggalek
Panehan Island Penehan island is one of the outer islands in Indonesia that located in Hindia Ocean and has bordered with Autralia. This island is administratively part of Trenggalek regency, East Java. This island is located in the south side of Panggul, Trenggalek. To reach this island is first have to start from Trenggalek City to PPn Prigi in Prigi Village, Watulimo subdistrict for about 2,5 hours drive by public transportation. From PPn Prigi it continues to Sekel island by fisherman boat and then to Penehan island.
Trenggalek Marble
Trenggalek Marble Trenggalek has many kinds of mineral product, one of the products is marble, especially black marble which has its high quality like Italian kind. The youth organization of Nglembeng village, Panggul district make kinds of souvenirs such as pots, statues, amulet from this black marble, and so for the grave stone of the first President of Indonesia, Bung Karno is also made of Trenggalek marble. More detail visit
Nasi Pindang Trenggalek
Nasi Pindang Nasi pindang trenggalek is delicious rice with fillets of beef and sweet coconut sauce, thik and brownie sauce. Nasi pindang has particular in So leaf or melinjo leaf, which make the taste is good and delicious. Nasi pindang is Trenggalek traditional food, which cannot find in any other places. Then, prepare your bag and luggage and find the delicious Nasi pindang only in Trenggalek.
Karanggoso Beach
Karanggongso Beach Karanggongso beach is about 3 Km, east of Prigi. The beach is 1,5 Km long with its white sand, gullet and clear water which enables the tourists to take a bath. This beach is located in Tasikmadu village. This beach is facilitated with a cottage, a hotel and boats rental, including Hotel Prigi and a hotel belongs to the Regional Government cooperative. With its natural scenery around, Karanggongso Beach is suitable for the visitor to enjoy the sea air and the waves. There are big stones around the…