Tourism Destinatons
Candi Jabung

Candi Jabung adalah candi kuno dan bersejarah, peninggalan kerajaan Majapahit, yang terletak di desa Jabung, kacamatan Paiton, Probolinggo.
Candi ini berjarak sekitar 5 km dari Kecamatan Kraksaan atau 500 meter sebelah tenggara kolam renang Jabung Tirta yang berada di pinggir jalan raya Surabaya - Situbondo.
Candi Jabung terbuat dari batu merah dan berdiri di sebidanh tanah berukuran 35 X 40 M, dengan panjang 13,13 M, lebar 9,60 M dan tinggi 16, 20 M. Di atas batur terdapat selasar keliling yang sempit dan relief yang menggambarkan kehidupan sehari-hari pada masa lampau seperti, seorang pertapa yang memakai sorban, dua lelaki yang sedang berada di sumur dan memegang tali timba dan singa yang saling berhadapan.
Visit :
Jabung Temple Website

Gili Ketapang – Probolinggo, East Java
Gili Ketapang Gili Ketapang is a village and a small island in the Madura Strait, exactly 8 km off the north coast of Probolinggo. Administratively, the island includes the District of Sumberasih, Probolinggo, East Java. Its area is about 68 hectare, and most of the inhabitant are Madura tribe whose live as fisherman. The population of the island is known for relatively affluent. Gili Ketapang is one of natural destinations in Probolinggo. The island is connected to Java island, which can be reach by boat through the Port of Tanjung…
Mask Puppet Show
Mask Puppet Mask puppet is other form of Puppet shows in East Java. Mask puppet is growing in Malang, Probolinggo, Situbondo and Sumenep. The show is like a human puppet, which the puppet played by the human players using mask. The story itself based on Mahabarata and Ramayana classic story, but in Topeng of Malang, there is also Panji’s story, a classic Javanese hero. More info
Tenggerese People
Tenggerese People Tenggerese or Tengger People is one of Indonesian tribes that live around Bromo Mountain which located around Pasuruan, Lumajang, Probolinggo and Malang Regency. The Tenggerese are the descendants of the Majapahit Princes. Their population is about 600.000 inhabitants within thirty villages. Tenggerese are being known as obedient Hindu followers. For them, Bromo Mountain is sacred. In once in a year they held ceremony of Kasada or Yadnya Kasada as a thanks giving to the Lord. This ceremony is always held in midnite in full moon time around date…
The Humble Tengger People
Tengger People Tenggerese or Tengger People is one of Indonesian tribes that live around Bromo Mountain which located around Pasuruan, Lumajang, Probolinggo and Malang Regency. The Tenggerese are the descendants of the Majapahit Princes. Their population is about 600.000 inhabitants within thirty villages. Tenggerese are being known as obedient Hindu followers. For them, Bromo Mountain is sacred. In once in a year they held ceremony of Kasada or Yadnya Kasada as a thanks giving to the Lord. This ceremony is always held in midnite in full moon time around date…