Tourism Destinatons
Welcome to Probolinggo Regency

Probolinggo is one part of the East Java Province which is located near to Mount Semeru, Mount Argopuro and Tengger mountain broadly about 1696,166 Square km, precisely at 1128 51' - 1138 30 ' East Longitude and 78 40' - 88 10 ' South Latitude, stay at height 0 - 2500 m dpl with average temperature 278 Celsius up to 308 Celsius, while its air of south part is having low temperature. Probolinggo regency has tropical climate and has two seasons that is dry season and the rains. Between the seasons, there is transition season with puff wind that boisterous enough and dry, it is known as "Angin Gending".
In the executing of the development that had oriented at the improvement of human resources through exploiting of nature source and other sources. Probolinggo regency has many kinds of tourism objects such as; Mount Bromo, Madakaripura waterfall, Giliketapang island with its marine park, Bentar beach, Ranu Segaran and warm water pool which located in Tiris beach and Jabung temple that express the past glorious. Besides that Probolinggo regency has many kinds of traditional habitually such as; Bull racing, Kuda Kencak dance, Glipang dance and Slempang dance, Pangore dance and Tenggerese traditional event. Besides its tourism objects and its culture, Probolinggo regency also yield fruits, vegetables and other plantation product that has affect the increasing earnings of area, to fulfill the development of its area for agenda of ' Area Autonomy '.
When all the area of our nation can be firmed up below the power of Majapahit in 1357 M (1279 Saka), The great prime ministry Gajah Mada have been able to realize his oath in Sumpah Palapa, to greet this success, The King Hayam Wuruk have the pleasure to have touring to the circumference. The journey of this goodwill had executed in 1359 (1281 Saka).
In this historic journey, Empu Prapanca, an art expert master describe, King Hayam Wuruk feel liking goal and marvelous, to saw a real nature panorama that very fascinate. The friendly of public, observance of classy ness and peace, give peacefulness and impressing. Its hilarious expectation and multifarious treat make the king dine hungrily. Garden and darma pasogatan, which picturesque is exquisite make the King doze in easiness and forbear to stay. When this prominent guest group would continue the journey, The King had covered by sorrowful because he refused to split-ups. The split ups had covered by sorrow mixed his pride. The King was pleasure to visit and halting-in this place for a long time. Since then member here, mark this place with the title ‘Prabu Linggih’. Mean place of sojourn of The King as prominent guest. The name of Prabu Linggih here in after change process to say, then turns into Probo Linggo. Hence, the mention now becomes Probolinggo.
The Meaning of Logo / symbol / jargon
- A Star, have five corner, rust colored with its five white lights
- On the Star, Wind painting colored white-rose
- Under the Star, blue Mount painting
- Under the Mount, white river painting
- Under the River, green ground plain painting
- Under the ground plain, white water painting
- At left side white water painting original green and at the left side under there is Grapes 17 (seventeen) with young green natural color.
- At the right side, there are 5 (five) piece painting Mango leafs and at under the right side 8 (eight) Mango with green natural color
- Under the Grape and Mango there is white Pita painting contained password article: Prasadja Ngesti Wibawa
- Star believes in One God forerunner and five lights bundles. Star meant as a symbol of the main basic of Indonesia Republic that is Five Principles as psychological materialization of Indonesian, which we have protected, and practice it.
- Wind is the Probolinggo characteristic named “Gending Wind” which its current is very rapid and coming in every southeasterly dry season.
- Mount as a symbol of Mount Bromo, a mount in Probolinggo regency located in Tengger mountain on a wide calendar with diameter of approximately 11 (eleven) kilometers.
- River as the symbol of " River Banger". A river that give this regency local name at the first Probolinggo gouverno era named Kiyai Tumenggung Djojolelono (1746-1768).
- Ground plain is the symbol of Probolinggo regency ground that is enough is fertility.
- Waving Seawater realizing the situation of Probolinggo regency is stepped aside coast of (Strait Madura).
- The 4 (four) grape leafs and the 17 (seventeen) grapes is showing the result of fruits in Probolinggo area (it is known since 1913).
- 5 (five) Mango Leafs and 8 mangos fruit is showing the famous fruits in Indonesia and its surroundings and as the result of fruits of Probolinggo area. The network of Grapes (17), Mangos ( 8), Grape’s Leaf (4), and mango’s leafs (5), as the symbol of: Date, month and year of " The Proclamation of Indonesia Republic Independence"
- White Ribbon contained password: Prasadja Ngesti Wibawa. Password means:
Prasadja means: simple, easy going, honestly, bares, frankly, Ngesti means: wish, create, have a purpose,
Authority means: intelligent, exalts, glorious. Prasadja Ngesti Wibawa means: loyal (simple, honestly, bares) towards dignity.
The meaning of the color that used:
1. Yellow Color means: Supremacy, Exalts, Dignity.
2. Blue Color means: Faithfulness.
3. Green Color means: Fertility, Prosperity.
4. Red means: Bravery.
Seen from situation of height of Probolinggo regency stay at 0 - 2500 m height above sea level, and seen from the geographical, Probolinggo regency located in mountainside of Semeru, Mount Argopuro and Tengger mountain.
The Astronomy boundaries of Probolinggo regency are;
North side = 70 40 ' LS
East side = 1130 30 ' BT
Side South = 800 10 ' LS
West side = 1120 50 ' BT
The characteristic region is one of the important elements that need to known, because it is the main capital to know about the area potency, which could managed. The purpose is to increase the area original earnings to finance the future execution development. Then, it will have known and can reach the execution pickings of each region development.
1. Administrative territory Boundaries
North: Madura Strait.
East: Situbondo regency and Jember regency.
West: Pasuruan regency.
South: Lumajang regency & Malang regency.
In The Centre of Probolinggo regency there is an autonomous area city that is the Probolinggo city Government.
2. The Division of Administration Region
24 Districts, 325 Countryside and 5 Sub-districts.
The most Resident of Probolinggo regency are Madurese because the region of Probolinggo regency is coastal area, which mostly live as fisherman like Tongas district, Sumberasih, Dringu, Pajarakan, Kraksaan, Paiton. While the mountain area has, potency for expansion of plantation sectors with various its commodities.
The Public composition seen from the professional side.
From the result of the resident census in 2000, the Resident Amounts in Probolinggo regency noted 1.004.967 of Men. The Men is about 493192 and women 511775 with the density, every Km2 598 men. If we compared with the result of resident census in 1990 is about 916855 of men, hence the rate of resident growth Probolinggo resident is 0,95 %.
Resident had evaluated from the Economic – Social side
Based on result of the lag village the data region in Probolinggo regency 107 countryside or 31,82 % from the village amounts, the percentage of resident amounts of pre prosperous family (KS) and KS I in 2001 is 189281 families. If we compared to the 2000 the numbers, 188993 families or experience increases 288 families.
For KS II in 2001 is 45966 families, if we compared to the 2000, the numbers 43549 families or experience improvement become 2417 families. KS III in the year 2001 is 44263 families, if we compared to year 2000 is 33364 families or experience improvement become 10899 families. While, KS PLUS in the year 2001 is 6339 families, if we compared to the 2000 is 8727 families or experience degradation is 2388 families.
Approximately region wide is 1.696.166, 90 Ha that consist of:
a. Forest: 55796,680 Ha = 32, 89 %
b. Non irrigated dry field: 52801,950 Ha = 31, 13 %
c. Rice field: 38509,002 Ha = 22, 70 %
d. Resident: 12904,039 Ha = 7, 60 %
e. Public Plantation: 2009,300 Ha = 1, 18 %
f. Soil / Grassland: 2413,961 Ha = 1, 42 %
g. Fishpond: 1320,060 Ha = 0, 77 %
h. Garden Mingled: 1186,567 Ha = 0, 69 %
i. Industry: 866,563 Ha = 0, 51 %
j. People forest: 625,317 Ha = 0, 37 %
k. Lake / Bog: 138 Ha = 0, 08 %
l. Others: 898,163 Ha = 0,66 %
a. Upstate is lowland.
b. Centered are bevels of Mountains.
c. Part of South is plateau.
Having each influence to what the region is good man and commodity had yielded.
The Probolinggo regency pertained in tropical, which divided to two seasons, that is drought and rain. Dry season centre in April to October, rain season October up to April and between both the seasons there is transition season happened famous high wind puff with Gending wind. Temperature in upstate is about 270 - 320 C while in part of South is lower.

Gili Ketapang – Probolinggo, East Java
Gili Ketapang Gili Ketapang is a village and a small island in the Madura Strait, exactly 8 km off the north coast of Probolinggo. Administratively, the island includes the District of Sumberasih, Probolinggo, East Java. Its area is about 68 hectare, and most of the inhabitant are Madura tribe whose live as fisherman. The population of the island is known for relatively affluent. Gili Ketapang is one of natural destinations in Probolinggo. The island is connected to Java island, which can be reach by boat through the Port of Tanjung…
Mask Puppet Show
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Tenggerese People
Tenggerese People Tenggerese or Tengger People is one of Indonesian tribes that live around Bromo Mountain which located around Pasuruan, Lumajang, Probolinggo and Malang Regency. The Tenggerese are the descendants of the Majapahit Princes. Their population is about 600.000 inhabitants within thirty villages. Tenggerese are being known as obedient Hindu followers. For them, Bromo Mountain is sacred. In once in a year they held ceremony of Kasada or Yadnya Kasada as a thanks giving to the Lord. This ceremony is always held in midnite in full moon time around date…
The Humble Tengger People
Tengger People Tenggerese or Tengger People is one of Indonesian tribes that live around Bromo Mountain which located around Pasuruan, Lumajang, Probolinggo and Malang Regency. The Tenggerese are the descendants of the Majapahit Princes. Their population is about 600.000 inhabitants within thirty villages. Tenggerese are being known as obedient Hindu followers. For them, Bromo Mountain is sacred. In once in a year they held ceremony of Kasada or Yadnya Kasada as a thanks giving to the Lord. This ceremony is always held in midnite in full moon time around date…