About Pamekasan Regency

Pamekasan regency lies between Sampang regency (southward) and Sumenep regency (eastward). Whereas, north side is restricted by the Java sea and south side by the Madura strait. Pamekasan is the Madura’s capital is just 33 km east of Sampang. Handmade Batik from thisregency has its own design among Madura’s batik. Take a visit to Proppo village to see batik making. Nature resource is located less than 600 meter from main road Sampang-Pamekasan.
Whereas, the natural resources potentials economically are very promising for us to be developed among other things: Plantation, Agriculture, Animals Husbandry, Sea and Fishery, Industry, Mining, Culture and Tourism Potentials.

The boundaries of Pamekasan area, are:
- West side: Second Level Regency of Sampang
- East side: Second Level Regency of Sumenep
- Northern and Southern: Java Sea and Madura Straits.
- Area of land: 79,230 ha
- Area of coast: 18,000 ha
Sumenep regency is lies between 113° 20° to 113° East Longitude and 6° 20° South Latitude.

Pamekasan Regency lies 0 to 340 m above sea level with an average height of 0% to 8% cover the southern area and the northern area is relatively flat. Undulating and hummocky area lies on 50 to 340 m above sea level with declivity 30% to 50% with detail as follows:
- Flat: 33.74%
- Undulating: 40.03%
- Hilly (Hummocky): 22.23%

Average rainfall in Pamekasan regency is 1,574-mm/ year 92 rainy days in 1 year. So it has 3 months wet period and 5 to 9 months dry period. The average temperature is 28° C to 30° C with humidity of 80%.

The Second Level Regency of Pamekasan has more or less 15% paddy fields (sawah) and 85% of dry land.
Soil layer in this area consists of:
- Mediteranian: 60%
- Alluvial: 15%
- Regusol: 10%
- Grumosol: 5%
Based on the land type, Pamekasan regency consist of:
a. Official Standard Rice Field
b. Rain-Irrigated Rice Field: 59.49 Km2
c. Dry (not Irrigated) field: 466.92 Km2
d. Housing: 98.70 Km2
e. Plantation: 68.82 Km2
f. Forest Area: 8.62 Km2
g. Fish Pond: 2.03 Km2
h. Other: 19.56 Km2
Total: 792.30 Km2

The total Population Pamekasan regency in 1994 is 634,197 consisting of:
- Male: 304.264
- Female: 329.933
- Population density: 800.45 per Km2
- Population growth: 1.54%
Total population based on occupation as follows:
- Agriculture: 57.85%
- Industry: 10.21%
- Construction: 3.94%
- Trading: 14.64%
- Transportation and Communication: 3.45%
- Public Service: 6.20%
- Other: 3.71%

Administratively, Second Level Regency of Pamekasan consist of:
- 4 Political district administration by Regent Assistants.
- 13 Sub district
- 11 Political District administration by Village Chief (lurah) and 178 Villages
Then, the detail of political district administration by Regent Assistants and sub districts are as follows:
a. Political district administered by Regent Assistant in Pamekasan Sub district i.e:
- Pamekasan Sub district
- Proppo Subdistrict
- Tlanakan Subdistrict
b. Political district administered by Regent Assistants in Galis covers 3 Sub district i.e:
- Galis Sub district
- Pademawu Sub district
- Larangan Sub district
c. Political district administered by Regent Assistant in Pegantenan covers 4 Sub district i.e.:
- Pegantenan Sub district
- Palengaan Sub district
- Pakong Sub district
- Kadur Sub district
d. Political district administration by Regent Assistants in Waru covers 3 Sub district i.e.:
- Waru Sub district
- Batumarmar Sub district
- Pasean Sub district

The population in 1994 shows that the population in East Java Increase 1.54% from the mid 199. In the mid 19... In the mid 19...
The total population of the Pamekasan Regency is 634,127 with number of men 304,264 and number of women 329,933 while, total of workforce ................

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