Candi Jago

Situs candi Jago adalah salah satu candi peninggalan kerajaan Singhasari yang terletak di desa Jago, kecamatan Tumpang, sekitar 22 Km dari arah kota Malang.
Pada awal mulanya, candi ini bernama Jayaghu dan merupakan salah satu candi pendarmaan atau makam bagi Maharaja Wisnuwardhana. Namun, jika dilihat dari bentuk arsitekturnya, candi ini memiliki unsur arsitektur dan pengaruh dari Majapahit. Hal ini bisa di telisik dari bukti sejarah bahwa pada tahun 1272 Saka atau 1350 Masehi, candi ini pernah diperbaiki oleh Adityawarman dan mengalami beberapa pemugaran pada kurun waktu akhir Majapahit di pertengahan abad ke 15.
Dilihat dari bentuk arsitekturnya, Candi Jago memiliki persamaan bentuk dengan punden berundak yang merupakan ciri bangunan religi dari zaman megalithikum yang mengalami kebangkitan kembali pada massa akhir majapahit. Pada keseluruhan bangunan memiliki panjang sekitar 23,71 M, lebar 14 M dan tinggi 9, 97 M.
Karena pengaruh waktu, candi Jago telah mengalami banyak perubahan dan tidak utuh lagi. Meskipun demikian, pesona dan kewibaan era masa lampau masih bisa terlihat dengan jelas saat mengunjungi candi ini.

Gatra Beach in the South of Malang
GIt is likely tourists have an unlimited reference of beaches to visit if they come to Malang City. Here is an example. The name is Gatra Beach and it is located in Sitiarjo. In terms of region, it belongs to Sumbermanjing Wetan Sub-District, actually. For the information, the local government manages it well. That means visitors can expect a clean environment once they arrive at the location. Still, it costs some money to pay the entrance fee. Have no worries. There is no fixed price, so visitors can pay it…
Sempu Island, The Right Place To Have Fun!
Sempu Island Sempu Island, is a small island that settled in the south of Java island. The island is administratively located in Malang regency, East Java. Currently, Sempu island os a nature reserve protected by the government. In this island is barely brackish springs founded. Sempu is an island with a beautiful sea lagoon Segara Anakan inside, with turquoise seawater, and white sandy beach. Sempu Island is in Malang region and it takes 3 hours driving to the harbor near the island, Sendang Biru. The visitors can rent a boat…
Wonosari Tea Plantation – Malang
Wonosari Tea Plantation Wonosari Tea Plantation is located on the slopes of Mount Arjuna, Malang regency, East Java. This plantation is located at an altitude between the elevation of 950-1250 with temperatures between 19-26 degrees Celsius. This plantation is managed by PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero), the state company (BUMN) that running in the field of coffee, cocoa, rubber, tea, and horticulture. Wonosari Tea Plantation is one of a comfortable place to visit because of the mild climate conditions and the natural beauty sightseeing around the field. This agro tourism…
The Majestic Of Singasari Temple – Malang
Singosari Temple Singosari temple, is also known as Kendedes temple, was founded in honor to the King Kertanegara, who was the last king of Singosari dynasty who died in 1292 AD. This temple was erected in 1300 AD at the same time when the ritual Sradha took place. In the vicinity of the temple there are two gigantic statue called Dwarapala, believed to be the entrance guards to the palace. This temple has saved the historical story that always remember by Malang public. However, Singosari temple is a symbol of…