Wisata Alam
Candi Tegowangi

Sesuai dengan namanya, candi ini terletak di Desa Tegowangi, kecamatan Plemahan, sekitar 4 Km dari pusat kota Pare Kediri.
Candi Tegowangi memiliki ketinggian sekitar 4,35 M dan berukuran 11,20 x 11,20 M.
Seperti yang disebutkan dalam Kitab Paraton, candi Tegowangi merupakan tempat pendermaan Bhre Matahun. Dalam kitab Negarakertagama, dijelaskan bahwa Bhre Matahun meninggal tahun 1310 C (1388 M), maka diperkirakan candi ini dibangun pada tahun 1400 di masa majapahit, karena pendhermaan seorang raja dilakukan 12 tahun setelah sang raja meninggal dengan upacara Srada.
Menelisik dari bentuk bangunan, candi Tegowangi berbentuk bujur sangkar dan menghadap ke barat. Pondasinya terbuat dari batu bata, sedangkan balur kaki dan sebagian tubuh yang tersisa terbuat dari batu andesit. Bagian kaki candi berlipit dan berhias. Tiap sisi kaki candi ditemukan tiga panil tegak yang dihiasi raksasa atau gana yang duduk berjongkok, kedua tangan diangkat ke atas seperti mendukung bangunan candi. Di atasnya terdapat tonjolan-tonjolan berukir melingkari kaki candi. Di atas candi terdapat sisi genta yang berhias.
Di halaman candi terdapat beberapa arca, yaitu Parwati, Ardhanari, Garuda berbadan manusia, dan sisa-sisa bangunan candi di sudut tenggara. Candi ini diyakini sebagai candi beraliran agama hindu.

Tegowangi Temple, Where The History Remain
Tegowangi Temple Tegowangi temple is one of ancient temple in Kediri region. This temple has saved many stories about Kediri history. There are some reliefs on the temple wall that interest the tourists who like the historic tourism. The temple is stand in one complex and it looks like a rectangular form. This temple is one historical tourism objects in Kediri regency. Find the historic value by visit this old temple. More info visit www.eastjava.com
The Nirvana Before Eruption
Mount Kelud Today, Mount kelud is very phenomenal with its new dome that exists from its lake. To reach Mount kelud, the visitors can use motorcycle and the direction come from Kediri to Wates continued to Margomulyo – Bambingan till Jurang Gelap or Mount Pedot. From Jurang Gelap till the new dome of Mount kelud is about 2 km and you can go on foot. Mount kelud has change, it had green crater before explode, but today the beautiful crater is gone and turn up new crater that different from…
Bukit Daun Hotel And Resto
Bukit Daun Hotel And Resto Bukit Daun Hotel And Resto Is a Located Argowilis Street 777, kediri East Java. It has great sense of uniqueness, ethnic and fresh air. This hotel is so cool. The distance is about 5 km from the town of Kediri in the way to Puhsarang. The location is in the hills with nice hotel setting and cozy atmosphere. The rate of only 170-600 thousand a night, it is a very recommended for family lodging The facilities are about large pool, nice room, and the calm…
The Environment In Puhsarang
Puhsarang Church This church is located in Puhsarang village, Semen district of Kediri, that’s why it is called Puhsarang Church. The location is 10 km in western Kediri City. This old church had built by Ir. Heendricus Maclaine on behalf of pioneer Mr. Yohanes Humbertus Wolters CM in 1931. The architecture is collaboration between European and Majapahit, combination with other local cultures and Christianity. The first establishment of the complex is the “Antique Church”, Puhsarang Church. The structure of the church has unique architectural style form and we can see…