Investasi di Kabupaten Bondowoso

Sektor pariwisata Kabupaten Bondowoso memiliki kemampuan untuk dikembangkan menjadi daerah wisata yang lebih kompetitif karena banyak atraksi wisata yang berharga di dalamnya.

Perluasan pariwisata tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan satu individu dalam kabupaten dan kota, tetapi juga dari beberapa pihak yang turut berpartisipasi untuk merawat dan melakukan perbaikan bagi aset di daerah mereka. Untuk itulah kami berharap ada bantuan dan partisipasi dari siapa saja yang peduli dengan sektor pariwisata di sekitar lingkungan anda agar bisa diperlihatkan secara luas kepada dunia.

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The Legendary Goa Kapur in Bondowoso

Kapur Cave Kapur cave is located near to Blawan waterfall in Kalianyar village, Bondowoso. Goa Kapur or Kapur cave is approximately located around 175 Km from Belawan hot spring. At the cave, the local people believe there is a clear water poll that being used by Damarwulan to wash his face at that time. Damarwulan was a Javanese legendary hero that had mighty power to help the poor.

The Mist At Ijen Crater

Ijen Crater Ijen is the complex of volcanic area, which there is a crater of Ijen and its plateau, which has 2,600M and 8,660 M high. Ijen is located in three parts of regencies, which in Situbondo, Bondowoso, and Banyuwangi, East Java. This volcanic area become the most incredible and surreal volcanic area in East Java. In this volcanic mountain, there is also the sulfur mining, regarding that the mountain is still active and produce the nature sulfur. In here, we can see the sulfur miners that collect and carry…

The History Of Singo Ulung Dance

Singo Ulung Dance Singo Ulung dance is a traditional art dance from Bondowoso that annually been performed at Bondowoso’s anniversary. This traditional dance was created by a respected man named Singo. Singo was name of a person who came from Blambangan. He was ran from Blambangan to save himself and stayed in Blimbing village, Klabang district Bondowoso. Singo Ulung and his wife Nyi Moena with Ki Jasiman, were helping and cooperating each other to create a prosperous life of society at Blimbing village. He cared about the rice field and…

Segoro Anakan Means Little Ocean

Segoro Anakan Segoro Anakan is good for sailling sports and fishing. It is still natural and has not been developed. It is a virgin mangrove forest tourism object. the visitors can visit Segoro Anakan through Grajagan coast by boat. It takes about 45 minutes. Segoro Anak is a small bay with the widest mangrove forest in East Java. Based on some research, it founds 26 kinds of 16-mangrove family that dominated with Rhizopora, Bruguiera, Avicenia and Sonneratia. Schypiphora hydrophylaceae and Ceriops decandra is the two kinds of rareness mangrove. This…

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