Tourism Destinatons
About Batu Tourism

Batu City is one part of East Java area. Geographically,
it is located in
- 7,44deg 55,11" s/d 8,26deg 35,45" South Latitudes
- 122,17deg 10,90" s/d 122,57deg 00,00" East Longitudes.
The area has 202,800 Km2 width or same as 20,280 ha, bordered
West Side: Pujon district
East Side: Karang ploso district and Dau district
North Side: Mojokerto regency and Prigen district
The Wide Area
Batu city is one part of the East Java Province, it have
202,800 km2 or equal to 20,280 ha width.
The situation of topography in Batu city has two different
characteristics, that is north and west side is hilly and
surging height area, while east area and south area that
is relatively flat though at 700 m height from sea level.
Climatology situation of Batu city has temperature minimum
of 24-18ºC and maximum temperature 32-28ºC. Its air humidity
is 75-98% and the rainfall average is 875 - 3000 mm/year.
Because of that condition, Batu city is suitable for sub
tropic plants of horticulture plants and cattle.
Batu City is divided into 3 districts and 23 villages /
sub districts. The districts are Batu district with 46,377
Km2 widths, Bumiaji district with 130,189 Km2 widths and
Junrejo district with 26,234 Km2 widths.
The History Of Batu City
Since 10 century, Batu city and its surroundings has known
as the resort for family, because the region is mountain
area with the ruthless of balmy air, also supported with
the beauty of nature as a mountain area. When it has led
by King Sindok (Mpu Sendok), an empire member named Mpu
Supo is commanded by King Sendok to build a family resort
monarchic in a mountain, which is near to the wellspring.
With all of the effort, to found a resort like the one,
which wanted by the King, finally Mpu Supo found an area
in Songgoriti area, which now has known, as Songgoriti tourism
area. The King was agreed with that area and Mpu Supo, which
has miraculous power, started to build the Songgoriti area
as the family resort monarchic and he also build a temple
called Supo temple.
As the King desire that resort had intended to have a wellspring, hence in the resort, there is a wellspring that flowing cold and cool as a wellspring in mountain area. The cool wellspring is often applied to clean “Keris” (the traditional Javanese knife), which is sacred as patrimony object from Sendok Empire. Because of the wellspring that has often applied to clean sacred empire objects and have strength of supernatural, (Magic) extremely great. Finally, the wellspring that is initially felt cold and cool finally turn into warm temperature water. Moreover, the warm temperature water, now become the endless of source in Songgoriti area tourism.
Batu city, which located on hillside of mount Panderman with 700 to 1100 meters height above sea level, based on the old fellow stories, document and also had traced about the existence, now have not known yet about his certainty time about the name of “B A T U" start called as named the health resort area. From some prominent local publics of course have ever told that the naming of Batu was come from name of a follower Moslem scholar Prince Diponegoro which so called Abu Ghonaim or conceived of Kyai Gubug Angin, that later on chummy local public had call him with “Mbah Wastu”. From the habit of Java culture that is often to cut short and take a short cut about the naming of someone name who felt too length, finally by the degrees of Mbah Wastu is called Mbah Tu to become mBatu or Batu as a mention that being applied for the ‘Cold City’ in East Java.

The Animal Skeleton On Batu Secret Zoo
Animal Museum Batu Secret Zoo is an official site of Jawa Timur Park or Jatim Park 2 that located in Batu city, East Java. Batu Secret Zoo is a modern zoo, complete with the high architectural design and numbers of animals’ collection. This zoo can be accessed for about 30n minutes from Malang city or 90 minutes from Surabaya. Moreover, this location is also near to other recreational park, which is Batu Night Spectacular or BNS. By lying on 2 hectares land, there are three sections become the visitors’ route…
The Animal Museum At Batu Secret Zoo
Batu Secret Zoo Batu Secret Zoo is an official site of Jawa Timur Park or Jatim Park 2 that located in Batu city, East Java. Batu Secret Zoo is a modern zoo, complete with the high architectural design and numbers of animals’ collection. This zoo can be accessed for about 30n minutes from Malang city or 90 minutes from Surabaya. Moreover, this location is also near to other recreational park, which is Batu Night Spectacular or BNS. By lying on 2 hectares land, there are three sections become the visitors’…
Songgoriti Temple
Songgoriti Temple Songgoriti is located in Songgokerto village, Batu district, under the hillside of Mount Panderman and has a hot spring pool. There is temple Songgoriti and Ganesha Statue as the empire omission of Singosari and Dutch era. Songgoriti Temple is located in a dale dissociating between mountainsides of Arjuna with mountainside of Kawi. This temple has built with a hot spring, which had believed able to heal various diseases. Seen from its simple architecture style, this temple classified as eldest temple in Central Java and the decoration described Central…
The Chilling Batu
Batu Batu city is located in 800 meters above sea level, with cold temperature between 17-25,6 degree Celsius. Batu city is an area in East Java that surrounded by mountains. Geographically, Batu is a mountainous area. The potencies of this area are coming from the agro tourism properties, which is fruits, vegetables, mountain panorama and the hills. When the visitors visit to Batu city, the fresh mountain air will welcoming us. There are some tourism destination that most visitors visit regularly, they are; Jatim Park, Selecta, Songgoriti, Agro tourism, Coban…