Petola Crackers

Petola crackers is special because it is produced manually or by human hands without machine process. In Bawean, Petola cracker production done for generations by local residents. The crackers production itself use tuna fish as its main material, because this type of fish is common and easily caught in Bawean sea.
A number of villages in Tambak and Sangkapura district have produce this cracker type. However, the most commonly sought is crackers of Tanjung Ori's villagers, Tambak district. There are at least 35 people in Tanjung Ori village who produce Petola crackers. Besides consumed by local people, crackers Petola was already penetrating into the neighbor country like Malaysia, and Singapore.
Petola crackers is savory and delicious. This is because the process is quite interesting. The main materials for making Petola crackers is as same as other crackers. The materials are Tongkol fish, tapioca flour, seasoning, salt, baking soda and mold.