The Story of Majapahit Mpu Sindok Airlangga Rajasa Dynasty Joko Dolog Kertanagara Raden Wijaya Shiwa - Budha Gajah MadaTROWULAN
Bajang Ratu Temple Kedaton Temple Tomb of Princess from Champa Tikus Temple Pendopo Agung Trowulan MuseumSiti Inggil GraveyardMAJAPAHIT IN DECLINE
Archithectural Style Majapahit's Sites Winginlawang Temple Kidal Temple Singosari Temple Jajaghu Temple Sumberawan Temple Sumberjati Temple Sawentar Temple Rimbi Temple Penataran Temple Tigowangi and Surawana Temple Jabung Temple Mt. Penanggungan Sukuh and Ceto TempleJedong Temple Gentong Temple Kesiman Temple Pasetran Temple Reco LanangGENEALOGY OF THE RAJASA DYNASTY
After spending three or four years in the safety of a forest retreat, Airlangga, as the closest surviving relative to Dharmawangsa, emerged to take over the throne in about 1020. The early part of his reign was spent putting down rebellions and securing the borders of his kingdom. Among his successful military campaigns were those against King Wishnuprabhawa of Wuratan, King Wijaya of Wengker, as well as the subjugation of a powerful queen in the south. In 1032 Airlangga attacked and defeated the ruler of Wurawari, who is believed to have been responsible for the earlier destruction of the old capital of Isana.By the end of Airlangga's reign, in the mid 11th century, the kingdom which he had established is believed to have stretched from Pasuruan in the east, to present day Madiun in the west.