Tourism Destinatons
Wisata Bahari Lamongan

Wisata Bahari Lamongan atau biasa disebut WBL, adalah salah satu obyek wisata maritim yang terletak di pesisir utara pantai Jawa, tepatnya berada di kecamatan Paciran, Lamongan.
Obyek wisata yang tak pernah sepi pengunjung ini berdiri sejak 14 November 2004, sebagai obyek wisata pengembangan dari Pantai Tanjung Kodok. Obyek wisata ini berada di jalur pantura Surabaya-Tuban, serta berada di dekat sejumlah obyek wisata andalan di Jawa Timur, diantaranya Gua Maharani, Makam dan Museum Sunan Drajat, Makam Sunan Sendang Duwur, dan Tanjung Kodok Resort.
WBL merupakan obyek wisata yang menggambungkan konsep wisata bahari dan taman rekreasi keluarga. Beberapa wahana unggulan tempat wisata ini antara lain Istana Bawah Laut, Gua Insectarium, Space Shuttle, Anjungan Wali Songo, Texas City, Paus Dangdut, Tembak Ikan, Rumah Kaca, serta Istana Bajak Laut.
Berdiri di lahan seluas 11 hektar, WBL selalu mencoba memberikan hiburan yang akan selalu berkembang, dengan dihadirkannya 3 wahana setiap tahunnya.
Selain itu tersedia pula fasilitas pendukung seperti Pasar Hidangan, Pasar Wisata, Pasar Buah dan Ikan untuk pengunjung yang ingin membeli oleh-oleh saat berkunjung.

Wingo, Lamongan’s Sweet Cake
Wingko Wingko is one of Indonesia traditional foods. People recognize this food as Wingko Babat from Semarang, Central Java. Whereas, Babat is a small town in Lamongan Regency, East Java. And it is true; this food is particularly Lamongan traditional food. Wingko is a typical of cake which made by coconut and sticky rice. It taste sweet and savoury at the same time, and having chewy texture in every bite. It mostly having round shape or in small round flips. The taste of savory from the coconut milk that blend…
The Caping Dance
Caping Dance Caping Ngancak Dance Caping Ngancak dance is one of traditional dances in Lamongan regency. The dance is describes about farmers in their rice field showing the process from grow the rice until they get harvest. Like farmers, the dancers also wearing ‘Caping’, which is a special hat that only wore by farmer in Indonesia. This dance is performed by group of young females who wore village costumes in modern style and bring Caping as the main property.
Chicken Soto Lamongan
Soto Lamongan This food is one of the famous foods in entire Indonesia. Soto, is such a beef or chicken soup. In some regency in East Java or even in Indonesia have their own type of soto. The most famous one is coming from Lamongan. Soto Lamongan have rich ingredients that mix together into a bowl completed by hot spicy broth. The condiments are: rice, glass noodle, chicken shredded, chicken liver, young egg, boil shredded egg, fried onion and celery. Do not forget the sambal sauce to make it hotter…
Wingko Babat
Wingko Wingko is one of Indonesia traditional foods. People recognize this food as Wingko Babat from Semarang, Central Java. Whereas, Babat is a small town in Lamongan Regency, East Java. And it is true; this food is particularly Lamongan traditional food. Wingko is cake made by coconut and sticky rice. It taste sweet and savoury at the same time, and having chewy texture in every bite. It mostly having round shape or in small round flips. It sweet everyone…