Tourism Destinatons
Welcome to Jombang Regency

Jombang is one of regency in East Java province that has a lot of tourism potency. Jombang has various beautiful nature panorama and the other potency of interesting tourism object. This is very important and profitable, because Jombang location is near to nature tourism area of Malang in southeast side and Pacet – Trawas – Tretes in east side; and historical tourism (Mojopahit Sites) of Trowulan.
Jombang tourism potency is divided into:
General Tourism
- Tirta Wisata: Local tourism object that has fishing rod pool, swimming pool and tennis court. It is located in Jombang – Surabaya road and often held any concert of local or national artist.
- Pujasera Kebonrojo: Local tourism object that usually visited in holiday, located in the center of the town. There are many food merchants who offer traditional food and drink. Now day, this area is equipped with children playground.
- Battle Plane Monument: Located in front of Tirta Wisata. The Battle Plane that was squadron armadas of Indonesia Marine Military has gave to Jombang government and used to complete Jombang’s tourism objects.
- Aloon – Aloon / Town Square: Aloon-Aloon or Town Square is the tourism object in Jombang that most often visited by many people, without any money to pay ticket. It offers beautiful park and four pillars of Mosque tower that become the symbol of Jombang town. In Sunday, this place is crowded by many people for having sport, jogging, football, and another activities. If you feel thirsty, you can buy drinks and snacks that sell around Aloon-Aloon. In certain days, there are interesting event held here, such as; exhibition, music, competition, etc.
Historical Tourism
Located in Made village, Kudu district. There is historical
inheritance of Airlangga King’s meditation place.
Beside Sendang Made, there are the other smaller sendang
/ pool around it, such as; Sendang Payung, Sendang Padusan,
Sendang Drajat, Sendang Sinden and Sendang Omben. Sendang
Made self, has believed as the inheritance of Mojopahit
Arimbi Temple was the south gate of Majapahit Kingdom. It is located in Ngrimbi village, Wonosalam district. Its location is very strategic because stay in the main road of Mojoagung – Wonosalam.
Nature Tourism
It is nature tourism that managed by government instance
of plantation and often visited by local tourists. The cool
and comfortable nuance with many trees and warm swimming
Panglungan Tourism:
The horticulture area with mountain topography that located
in Sambirejo village, Wonosalam district has functioned
to hold water and conservation field. Today, Panglungan
has developed as agro tourism with some main plantation,
such as; cocoa, clove, melinjo, and coffee.
Tretes Waterfall:
It is a beautiful waterfall with 158 meters height and located
on 1250 meters height over sea. This waterfall is located
in Tretes sub-village, Galengdowo village, Wonosalam district,
about 40 km of the center of Jombang town.
Jombang has nature mountain tourism that very beautiful
and has big potency to developed as commercial tourism.
One of beautiful nature tourism in Jombang is Sigolo-Golo
cave that located in Kranten sub-village, Panglungan village,
Wonosalam district.
Kedung Cinet:
Kedung Cinet is natural mountain tourism with clear river
water and crossed by “Shaky Bridge”. It is located
in Pojok Klitih village, Plandaan district.
Plabuhan Dam:
It is located in Plabuhan village and has about 3 ha width.
It is located about 4 km of chief of Plandaan district office.
This dam is suitable for having picnic because it has beautiful
Jambe Dam:
Jambe Dam is located in Jambe sub-village, Bangsri village
and has about 2,25 Ha width. Beside used as river system,
this dam is also an interesting tourism object. It is about
2,5 km of chief of Plandaan district office.
Religious Tourism
House: Jombang has known as religious town. There
are many religious houses in this town and the big of them
are Tebu Ireng, Bahrul Ulum Tambak Beras, Denanyar and Darullulum
Hasyim Asy'ari and K.H. Wachid Hasyim Grave
K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari is the founder of religious house named
Tebuireng (Jombang) and one of the founders of Islam organization
that is Nahdatul Ulama. His son, K.H. Wachid Hasyim is the
first Religion Ministry in Indonesia. These two national
heroes graves is located in Ponpes (Islam Religion House)
Tebuireng, Cukir, Diwek district.
Sulaiman Grave:
Sulaiman is one of Islam spreaders in Jombang area in Mojopahit
collapse era. In night of Jum’at Legi (special Friday
in Javanese culture), this grave is crowded by pilgrimage.
It is located in Betek village, Mojoagung district.
Pengajian Padang
Pengajian Padang Mbulan (Islam activity, pray and read the
Qur’an together) is continuously activity that held
every full moon. This activity is open up by a cultural
person Emha Ainun Nadjib (Cak Nun). It has held in courtyard
of Cak Nun’s house in Menturo village, Sumobito district.
San Kiong Temple:
Located in Gudo village, Jombang. Beside it is known as
Tridharma religion place (Buddha, Taoism, and Konghucu),
this temple is also a place for medical. The interesting
of this temple is, the people who come to take medicine
are ordinary people. Every Chinese New Year (Imlek), this
temple held some noisy event, such as; Potehi puppets and
dragon dance performance.
Mojowarno Church:
Mojowarno Church is the oldest Church in East Indonesia
area, and it was the center of Christian Protestant in Ducth
colonialism. Once a year, this church is held Kebetan ceremony
and Unduh-Unduh, which full of local culture.
Kuncung Grave:
Located in mount slope, in Wonorejo village, Wonosalam district;
that is to border on Kediri regency.
Prince Benowo Grave:
This grave is located in Wonomerto village, Wonosalam district.

Remo Dance, The Originating East Java Traditional Dance
Remo Dance Remo dance is originating from Jombang regency, East Java. At early begin, this dance was used as an opening show before Ludruk show. In times, this dance is practically performed as a welcome dance in special occasion like state ceremonies and local arts festival. Remo dance is telling about the struggle of a prince in a battle. Hence, this dance is performed by a man, or today, it is performed by a woman who dressed up like a man. By that case, today, there is a type of…
The Attractive Movement of Remo Dance
Remo Dance Remo dance is originating from Jombang regency, East Java. At early begin, this dance was used as an opening show before Ludruk show. In times, this dance is practically performed as a welcome dance in special occasion like state ceremonies and local arts festival. Remo dance is telling about the struggle of a prince in a battle. Hence, this dance is performed by a man, or today, it is performed by a woman who dressed up like a man. By that case, today, there is a type of…
Mojowarno Church
Mojowarno Church Mojowarno’s Eastern Javanese Christian Church, a history witnesses whom stands still through times changes. As if almighty God whom stays inside, to be a King and a Father. The quotation above is come from the verse of the Bible, which shows the communities’ submission from its local inhabitant, whose trying so hard to construct the church to be an appropriate Abode. Starting from the hidden little garden, this Church was build. By being a minority in the middle of differences, this modesty church had transform dynamically with the…
Sayid Sulaiman Grave
Sayid Sulaiman Grave Friday ‘Legi’ (one of Javanese’s days) Night, the easier expression to remember a ritual activity of pilgrimage to Mbah Sayyid Sulaiman grave, which attended by thousands of people who coming from various place. It is beginning when Mbah Sayyid take hold as Wodli in Kanigoro, Pasuruan. When he had pilgrimage to waliulloh Mbah Raden Alif grave in Mancilan, Mojoagung, he was sick and finally he passed away in that place. This graveyard is in Mancilan, Mojoagung district. Moreover, it is easy to visit, because we can use…