Tourism Destinatons
Waterpark Sumber Udel

Obyek Wisata Waterpark Sumber Udel ini merupakan obyek wisata baru di Blitar, dimana menyediakan berbagai wahana permainan air, seperti terowongan air, seluncuran air, air terjun buatan dan banyak lagi. Waterpark ini bisa di kunjungi baik untuk dewasa ataupun anak-anak.
Fasilitas lainnya juga di tawarkan oleh Water Park Sumber Udel seperti, kolam river pool, gentong raksasa, air mancur raksasa, timba raksasa dan water sliding. Dekat dengan kolam bermain anak, berdiri panggung gembira. Di Water Park Sumber Udel ini juga terdapat Kolam Olimpic, yaitu kolam renang dewasa yang bisa digunakan untuk berbagai perlombaan renang, lengkap dengan fasilitasnya, serta tempat duduk para penonton.
Wahana yang terletak di Jl. Kali Brantas, Kel. Bendo, di tengah kota Blitar, ini memiliki kolam renang dengan standart nasional, yaitu kolam renang untuk anak-anak dan kolam renang untuk orang dewasa. Terdapat juga water boom dengan kedalaman antara 100 sampai 150 cm.
Untuk tiket masuk Water Park Sumber Udel di kenakan seharga Rp 5000,- untuk anak – anak dan Rp 7500,- untuk orang dewasa. Harga yang cukup murah dengan fasilitas yang cukup lengkap membuat Water Park Sumber Udel selalu ramai di kunjungi.

The Blue Adorable Sky On Serang Beach
Serang Beach Serang beach is located in Serang village, Panggungrejo sub-district, it ‘s about 40 Km from Blitar city. This beach is stunningly beautiful. The sea water has turquoise color and strong waves, typical of Indonesian south sea. Moreover, the greenish nuance is also can be found around the hill in the next side of the beach. The visitors who come to the beach can hike the cliff and fishing. In fact, there are numbers of fisherman who traditionally fishing the lobster and fishes. More info visit:
Here Go Tambakrejo
Tambakrejo Beach is located about 30 km from Blitar city, in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district. In this location, in every first Suro month (the new year in Java calendar) is performed a “Larung Sesaji” ceremony, and visited by thousands people from various areas. The south sea (Indonesia Ocean) waves splashing and the sunshine in the evening, make the situation feel peaceful. It is compatible for the townsman who had bored with the metropolitan life. They can enjoy the natural beach with its beautiful waves and beautiful sunset. The visitor can…
Karangsari Tourism Products
Karangsari Agro Tourism Karangsari Village, Regency of Sukorejo, Blitar is become popular because of the Star Fruit (Belimbing). What makes this star fruit become so famous is coming from the size, which has jumbo size, and it has sweeter taste than commonly star fruit, with tempting light yellow. While doing devotional visit to Bung Karno graveyard, you can spend your time visiting Karangsari village and buy the star fruit as a gift. While enjoying the atmosphere at Karangsari village you can also see the star fruit’s tree over the road,…
Tambakrejo Beach
Tambakrejo Beach Tambakrejo Beach is located about 30 km from Blitar city, in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district. In this location, in every first Suro month (the new year in Java calendar) is performed a “Larung Sesaji” ceremony, and visited by thousands people from various areas. The south sea (Indonesia Ocean) waves splashing and the sunshine in the evening, make the situation feel peaceful. It is compatible for the townsman who had bored with the metropolitan life. They can enjoy the natural beach with its beautiful waves and beautiful sunset. The…