mausoleum is located in Kelurahan Bendogerit , Kecamatan Sananwetan
Kota Blitar, East Java. Ground Area Bung Karno Mausoleum is width
of approximately of 2.970 m2, what now become 4.852 m2, what initialy
property of Institution Mardi Mulyo which then delivered to state
for made by Heroes Cemetery Karang Mulyo.
Meanwhile stripper have there is Government plan for developing New
Heroes Cemetery in Town Blitar, in replace of this Heroes Cemetery
Karang Mulyo. The above is true at the time there is intention and
plan to restore Bung Karno Mausoleum, development of heroes cemetery
Blitar new is Heroes Cemetery of R.Wijaya , have and all warrior framework
have been carried over by the new warrior mausoleum.
By then , mausoleum Karang Mulyo become last resting place of Bung
Karno, consorted at left side and right by his father mausoleum"
R. Soekeni Sosrodihardjo" and his mopther mausoleum " Ida
Aju Njoman Rai".
The Bung Karno Mausoleum consist of three building :
- Main Building (Bung Karno mausoleum dome)
- Supporter building
- Complement building |