East Java is one of the Republic of Indonesia's 27 provinces, occupying an area of some 48,000 square kilometres just south of the equator. Including the island of Madura, it accounts for a little more than a third of Java's total land surface and supports a population of almost 33,000.000 inhabitants. To the east, across a narrow strait, lies the island of Bali: to the west are the provinces of Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Anyone who opens a physical map of Java will notice immediately the high, mountainous ridge extending along the entire length of the centre of the island. Some of the highest and most active of these volcanic peaks are to be found in East Java, whose flat, fertile plains are punctuated by no less than six separate ranges, becoming progressively higher towards the east. These mountains are among East Java's principal attractions and some of the more outstanding include the 3,676 metre active cone of MtSemeru,Java's highest peak;thefamous sand sea and steaming crater of Mt Bromo; the sulphureous summit of Mt Welirang, and the strangely beautiful crater lakes of Ijen and Kelud.
Two main waterways, the Brantas and Solo rivers, are lifelines for much of East Java's predominantly agricultural community. The former rises in the highlands to the north west of Malang and follows a circuitous path before dividing into a number of smaller streams to meet the sea at Surabaya. The famous Bengawan Solo. Iongest river in Java. has its source in the centre of the island and stretches 540 kilometres before joining the coast at Gresik. Other important rivers include the Madiun, Konto, Sampeyan and Grindulu.

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