we only had time for one full day in the Madiun
region, we chose to visit the fossil museum at Trinil, described earlier
in this book. On the way we stopped off at the old Dutch fort (Benteng
Pendem) at Ngawi, where we took photographs of a group of children riding
buffalos beside the cane fields. On arrival at Trinil we were informed
of the recent death of Pak Wirodiharjo, the old museum keeper, in a
car accident. This was sad news indeed, made all the more tragic by
the fact that the man most responsible for the creation of the museum
would not be able to enjoy the 100th anniversary of the discovery of
'Java Man', in 1991.
It was late afternoon and the thick groves of bamboo growing
alongside the banks of the Solo River radiated that intense glow,
so typical of the Javanese plains at this time of day. After
standing silently for a while at the water's edge, we wandered
back up to the museum, where we were shown the most recent discovery
to date; yet another section of a fossilized mammoth's tusk,
this one about a foot long.
Bamboo and the recent fosil find at Trinil