Lembata Lembata is one of regencies in East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. Lembata area was civilized since 1965 and recognized as Lomblen Island during Dutch East Indies era. The name of Lembata was taken from the indigenous people of Lepanbatan. Hence, on July 1, 1967 the Lomblen Island was changed into Lembata. Lembata island is known throughout the world as the home of traditional whaling but what is not known is that the people of this Island are very rich in its cultural tradition. Here, Sperm Whales have been hunted…
Month: March 2011
Bon Appetite At Pecel Bu Yatin Surabaya
Pecel Boeyatin Surabaya “Pecel Boeyatin” is one of “warung pecel” or pecel stall in Surabaya. This stall is already operated since 30 years ago and already famous among the Pecel fanatics. “Pecel Boeyatin” is located at Jalan Ketabangkali No. 51 Kayun, Surabaya, settled among the business center buildings in Surabaya. Hence, it is not surprising if we come to this stall during our lunch, and will always full. As we know, that pecel is such Indonesian traditional salad and consist of green vegetables like string bean, bean sprout, cabbage, water…
Karangsari Tourism Products
Karangsari Agro Tourism Karangsari Village, Regency of Sukorejo, Blitar is become popular because of the Star Fruit (Belimbing). What makes this star fruit become so famous is coming from the size, which has jumbo size, and it has sweeter taste than commonly star fruit, with tempting light yellow. While doing devotional visit to Bung Karno graveyard, you can spend your time visiting Karangsari village and buy the star fruit as a gift. While enjoying the atmosphere at Karangsari village you can also see the star fruit’s tree over the road,…
The History Of Hok Yoe Kiong Temple
Hok Yoe Kiong Temple It was half century ago, the Chinese people in Nganjuk town was Kong Hu Cu. Unfortunately, there were not such appropriate temple to go to. The only thing left was the altar for The Honor of Kongco Tik Tjoen Ong, which was in China Gathering Hall, today’s known as Dr. Soetomo Street, Nganjuk. Even though the condition of the temple was inappropriate, the Parish was large enough. Mr. Soen Boen Lee is one of the parishes who always come to pray to the temple. Since he…
Pasar Atum Surabaya
Pasar Atom Surabaya Pasar Atom or Atom Market shooping center is located in Bunguran Street Surabaya. Pasar Atom is not typically as the real traditional pasar, but we cannot also say to be a mall or plaza. The building is seems like plaza, but most of the vendors allow the buyer to do bargain. The products available is also vary from the utilities, garment, foods or even jewelry. Pasar Atom is typical as China Town in Surabaya, not only because of the most visitors are coming from Tionghoa ethnic, but…
Kupang City
Kupang Kupang is the capital city of East Nusa Tenggara province. It bounded with Sawu ocean in north, Rote Ndao and Timor ocean in south, Lawu ocean in west, and Timor Leste, North Central Timor regency and South Central Timor regency in east. As capital of East Nusa Tenggara, the transport and administrative links from Kupang with isolated islands are extensive. In the past, Kupang was an important port and trading point during the Portuguese and Dutch colonial eras. Hence, there are ruins and remnant signs of the colonial presence…
Belu Regency, NTT
Belu Regency, NTT Belu, is one of regencies in Nusa Tenggara Timur or East Nusa Tenggara. The capital is seat in Atambua city. This regency is bounded with Ombai strait in north, Timor ocean in south, North Central Timor regency and South Central Timor regency in west, Timor Leste in east. Looking from the cultural and anthropological terms, the population of Belu regency in the composition of the society is divided into four major sub-ethnics, which is Ema Tetun, Ema Kemak, and Ema dawan Manlea. The four sub-ethnics inhabiting one…
Baronggung Traditional Batik
Baronggung Batik Discussing Batik is never get enough. We can not just stand on Yogyakarta or Solo style, for almost area in Indonesia having their own pattern on Batik motives. In Tulungagung, East Java, is also has particular Batik cloth, which is known as Baronggung Batik. Tulungagung Batik is almost the same with typical of Solo and Yogyakarta Batik, which is taking Mataraman motifs, such as Sido Mukti, Rujak Sente, Kawung. What makes different in Tulungagung is coming from the color. Tulungagung Batik has develop the prominent coloring that is…
Ledhug Suro Ceremony, Magetan
Ledhug Suro There are so many ways that being held by the local government to celebrate the new year of Hijriah. At Jogjakarta there is Sekaten, at Solo (Central Java) there is Grebeg Syuro because it coincidently come with the change of Java’s year which starting from Suro. Any other places like Sukabumi (West Java) is also celebrate this Islamic new year by doing Larung. In Magetan, East Java, in order to attract the visitors to come, they make “Ledhug”. Lesung Suro and Bedug Muharam (Ledhug) is typical of drum…
Grape Tourism Forest
Grape Forest Tour Grape [gra pe] forest, is such a forest tourism in Madiun, East Java. This tourism object is located in the middle of the teak cultivation seed forest and including the protected tree forest. It states about 17 km from Madiun city to the east side. Presicelly, in Wungu village, Wungu district, the area is about 5 ha. This place is sol calm and fresh because, having green sightseeing and clean fresh air. It is suitable for family recreation and need natural scenery to release tenses during the…