Surabaya Heroes Monument

Heroes Monument & Surabaya Sepuluh November Museum The warrior monument is located in Tembaan Street. It had built for the agenda of giving high respect to all warriors that had killed during big encounter to fight against ally army being hitchhiked by NICA, which wish to occupy Surabaya in 10 Novembers 1945. It is located in front of luxury Gubenur office. Besides as the big monument as high as 45 foot/feet, for the same purpose, in some famous places as battlefield at that time, have been made a heroic statue…

Trinil Pre-Historic Museum At Ngawi

Trinil Museum is located about 12 kilometers in the west of Ngawi is in same direction of Soerjo monument. It constitutes the complex of myth of ancient man fossil (prehistoric men fossil) (Pitecanthropus erectus) and also fossils of other ancient life, which has been raised to the world of science by an archeologist named Eugene Dubois since 1891. In this complex of myths there are many kinds of facilities such as: the place to keep the fossils any its exposition, fossil laboratory, and others where all of them lie at…