Kenongo Batik Processing

Batik Tulis Kenongo Sidoarjo After the tragedy of Lapindo mud flow, Sidoarjo become more popular. Long before the tragedy, this town is famous by its particular things like the shrimp and, of course, the traditional hand writing batik. One of those handwriting batik crafts, is located in Kenongo village. There are lots of designs from traditional Batik that will make you wonder, it is available for those who are fanatics to Batik. The quality of Kenongo Batik been recoqnized in worldwide, even, it already received five awards from some countries,…

Handwriting Batik of Bondowoso

Batik Bondowoso Handwriting Batik handicrafts, the factory is located in Sumbersari village – Maesan district, about 13 from Bondowoso to the west. The traditional handmade batik from Bondowoso regency is known as Cassava Batik. For recent years, it has been managed well, so that it can be compete with the other batik in Indonesia. It has distinctive features that make different with others. Bondowoso Batik has unique cassava motif that combined with various colors, so that looks beautiful and has its own characteristic. For More Details: