Surabaya Bus Station

Bus Station Purabaya, Surabaya Purabaya Station is intercity bus station that resides in Bungurasih village, Waru District Sidoarjo regency. So it is known as Bungurasih station. But administratively this Station managed by the Government of Surabaya City. The situation of this station is very strategic only 20 minutes from Juanda International Airlines and close to turnpike access Surabaya-Gempol. In the case of information to the passenger candidates, installation of good enough guide boards and explain. New passenger alighted from bus in arrival station can continuing journey to other town or…

Surabaya Heritage Bus

Surabaya Heritage Track Surabaya Heritage Track (SHT) is a tour around the city (City Sightseeing) by using the bus barn. During the journey tracker get a brief description historical buildings heritage that passed from the tour. Passenger bus called the tracker in this turnya accompanied the tour of Australia and the UK. Will not take the bus passengers during the trip, so passengers should be up and down in the House of Sampoerna (HOS), which is made to the bus terminal this SHT. Bus with 22 seats and the wheelchair…